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The Americas and the Caribbean

World News

Assemblyman Buchwald Reports Passage Of Women's Equality Act, USA

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Assemblyman Buchwald Reports Passage Of Women's Equality Act, USA


In an effort to provide equality and justice for all New York state citizens, Assemblyman David Buchwald announced passage of the full 10-point Women's Equality Act (WEA).

The legislation addresses pay inequity, sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, human trafficking, domestic violence and family status discrimination, and strengthens women's health and reproductive rights.


In an effort to provide equality and justice for all New York state citizens, Assemblyman David Buchwald announced passage of the full 10-point Women's Equality Act (WEA).

The legislation addresses pay inequity, sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, human trafficking, domestic violence and family status discrimination, and strengthens women's health and reproductive rights.


How Presidents Talk About Women in SOTU Speeches, USA

January 28, 2014

How Presidents Talk About Women in SOTU Speeches, USA

Since the 1920s, the addresses have gone from nearly all-"men" affairs to a roughly equal gender footing.
Since the 1920s, the addresses have gone from nearly all-"men" affairs to a roughly equal gender footing.

World News

Municipal politics needs more women, Canada

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Municipal politics needs more women, Canada


Municipal governments across Ontario need more elected representatives who are women, say some local politicians and women’s groups.

Fifty per cent of the province’s population is female, but that statistic is not reflected on municipal councils, they maintain.

 “Women make up less than one-third of municipal politicians in Ontario,” said Jane Mitchell, Waterloo’s representative on regional council and a long-time politician.


Municipal governments across Ontario need more elected representatives who are women, say some local politicians and women’s groups.

Fifty per cent of the province’s population is female, but that statistic is not reflected on municipal councils, they maintain.

 “Women make up less than one-third of municipal politicians in Ontario,” said Jane Mitchell, Waterloo’s representative on regional council and a long-time politician.


World News

New Report Examines the Reality of Women’s Participation in Guatemalan Politics

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New Report Examines the Reality of Women’s Participation in Guatemalan Politics


While women in Guatemala have slowly been making political gains, a new report by NDI and UN Women shows that a significant gender gap persists. The report, Between Challenge and Reality: Women and Political Participation in Guatemala, examines the progress made in recent elections, some obstacles women face and potential areas for improvement.


While women in Guatemala have slowly been making political gains, a new report by NDI and UN Women shows that a significant gender gap persists. The report, Between Challenge and Reality: Women and Political Participation in Guatemala, examines the progress made in recent elections, some obstacles women face and potential areas for improvement.


World News

Meet The Women in Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle

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Meet The Women in Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle


Hillary Clinton has had a successful and trailblazing career as First Lady, New York senator, and Secretary of State. Over the past 25 years, she has been surrounded by a fierce circle of female advisers who make up a large part of her team.

Who are the women who have helped Hillary become Hillary? And how will their roles change if she runs for President in 2016?


Hillary Clinton has had a successful and trailblazing career as First Lady, New York senator, and Secretary of State. Over the past 25 years, she has been surrounded by a fierce circle of female advisers who make up a large part of her team.

Who are the women who have helped Hillary become Hillary? And how will their roles change if she runs for President in 2016?


World News

Money in Politics Keeps Women Out of Office, USA

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Money in Politics Keeps Women Out of Office, USA


Women make up less than 20 percent of Congress. Out of 100 senators, 20 are female; out of 435 representatives, there are 78 women. According to the World Economic Forum, that puts the United States at 60th in the world for political equality between the sexes, right behind countries like Sri Lanka, Serbia, and Senegal.

We invite our users to read the complete article published January 16 2014 

Women make up less than 20 percent of Congress. Out of 100 senators, 20 are female; out of 435 representatives, there are 78 women. According to the World Economic Forum, that puts the United States at 60th in the world for political equality between the sexes, right behind countries like Sri Lanka, Serbia, and Senegal.

We invite our users to read the complete article published January 16 2014 

World News

Why Gender Diversity Matters in Politics, USA

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Why Gender Diversity Matters in Politics, USA


The idea that white liberal men don’t bring their own built-in biases from their own (substantially more privileged) lived experiences to politics, and are some kind of neutral group is absurd. Truly representative government requires a diversity of perspectives, especially in a party whose electoral base is dominated by working class women and people of color.

The idea that white liberal men don’t bring their own built-in biases from their own (substantially more privileged) lived experiences to politics, and are some kind of neutral group is absurd. Truly representative government requires a diversity of perspectives, especially in a party whose electoral base is dominated by working class women and people of color.

Despite Success in Politics Many Latin American Women Still Experience Gender Discrimination

November 15, 2013

Despite Success in Politics Many Latin American Women Still Experience Gender Discrimination

The likely victory of Michelle Bachelet in Chile’s presidential elections will strengthen women’s political power in Latin America, a region where while progressing, still sees millions of women as the victims of discrimination and violence.

The likely victory of Michelle Bachelet in Chile’s presidential elections will strengthen women’s political power in Latin America, a region where while progressing, still sees millions of women as the victims of discrimination and violence.

World News

Despite Success in Politics Many Latin American Women Still Experience Gender Discrimination

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Despite Success in Politics Many Latin American Women Still Experience Gender Discrimination


The likely victory of Michelle Bachelet in Chile’s presidential elections will strengthen women’s political power in Latin America, a region where while progressing, still sees millions of women as the victims of discrimination and violence.

Despite women’s success in top positions in politics, a Latin American woman with thirteen or more years of schooling still earns 37% less than men with the same education, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA).

The likely victory of Michelle Bachelet in Chile’s presidential elections will strengthen women’s political power in Latin America, a region where while progressing, still sees millions of women as the victims of discrimination and violence.

Despite women’s success in top positions in politics, a Latin American woman with thirteen or more years of schooling still earns 37% less than men with the same education, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA).