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The Americas and the Caribbean

Political violence against women

October 28, 2013

Political violence against women

Even though women have advanced in terms of the quality and quantity of their political participation in almost every country in the world, some of them are still experiencing gender based harassment and violence in politics.

Even though women have advanced in terms of the quality and quantity of their political participation in almost every country in the world, some of them are still experiencing gender based harassment and violence in politics.

Why Dilma Cancelled On Obama, Brazil

October 24, 2013

Why Dilma Cancelled On Obama, Brazil

This week we were supposed to be celebrating the first state visit to the White House by a Brazilian president in nearly two decades.

This week we were supposed to be celebrating the first state visit to the White House by a Brazilian president in nearly two decades.

World News

Sexist attitudes discourage women in politics, Canada

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Sexist attitudes discourage women in politics, Canada


With only three female aldermen on the last council and just one woman running for mayor, some people are wondering why more women aren’t interested in seeking public office. According to Druh Farrell, who has represented the people of Ward 7 for 12 years, part of the answer is in how women are treated in politics. We invite our users to read the complete article published October 11th 2013 here:…

With only three female aldermen on the last council and just one woman running for mayor, some people are wondering why more women aren’t interested in seeking public office. According to Druh Farrell, who has represented the people of Ward 7 for 12 years, part of the answer is in how women are treated in politics. We invite our users to read the complete article published October 11th 2013 here:…

World News

More women in Canadian politics urgently needed

Submitted by Salma Nasser on

More women in Canadian politics urgently needed


By some measures, women are making huge gains when it comes to elected politics in Canada.
Currently, five provinces and one territory representing 85 per cent of Canada’s total population are governed by women premiers and a record high of 76 women were elected to Parliament in the last federal election in 2011, including a record 18 women under the age of 40.

That’s an amazing turnaround from even a few years ago when there wasn’t a single woman premier in the country and the number of women elected to Parliament was actually falling.

By some measures, women are making huge gains when it comes to elected politics in Canada.
Currently, five provinces and one territory representing 85 per cent of Canada’s total population are governed by women premiers and a record high of 76 women were elected to Parliament in the last federal election in 2011, including a record 18 women under the age of 40.

That’s an amazing turnaround from even a few years ago when there wasn’t a single woman premier in the country and the number of women elected to Parliament was actually falling.

The Road to substantive democracy: Women’s political participation in the Americas

September 9, 2013

The Road to substantive democracy: Women’s political participation in the Americas

The democratic current witnessed in some countries of the Americas during the latter half ofthe 20th century, which led to the overthrow ofrepressive regimes, has brought aboutsignificant changesto the political and electoralsystems of the region. While there have been setbacks a
The democratic current witnessed in some countries of the Americas during the latter half ofthe 20th century, which led to the overthrow ofrepressive regimes, has brought aboutsignificant changesto the political and electoralsystems of the region. While there have been setbacks a

World News

Gender-Based Quotas Needed In Jamaica

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Gender-Based Quotas Needed In Jamaica


Quotas are one way to ensure that women are given a fair proportion of what is available, meaning equal spaces to influence and effect positive change while making meaningful contributions to the development of all Jamaicans. It's really a matter of fairness, human rights, active citizenship and evidence of a true democracy.

Quotas are one way to ensure that women are given a fair proportion of what is available, meaning equal spaces to influence and effect positive change while making meaningful contributions to the development of all Jamaicans. It's really a matter of fairness, human rights, active citizenship and evidence of a true democracy.

The Role of International Electoral Observation Missions in the Promotion of the Political Rights of Women: The Case of the OAS

April 25, 2013

The Role of International Electoral Observation Missions in the Promotion of the Political Rights of Women: The Case of the OAS

Electoral equity is a fundamental component of a democratic election, and therefore a principal concern of international electoral observation.

Electoral equity is a fundamental component of a democratic election, and therefore a principal concern of international electoral observation.

World News

Latin America’s Left turn: What’s in it for Women?

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Latin America’s Left turn: What’s in it for Women?


Hugo Chávez knew that women were fundamental to his revolution. As he once famously said, “Only women have the passion and the love to make the revolution.” His legacy leaves a leadership void in Latin America’s new Left, yet other revolutionary leaders have also recognised the protagonistic roles women play in their anti-neoliberal agendas.

Hugo Chávez knew that women were fundamental to his revolution. As he once famously said, “Only women have the passion and the love to make the revolution.” His legacy leaves a leadership void in Latin America’s new Left, yet other revolutionary leaders have also recognised the protagonistic roles women play in their anti-neoliberal agendas.