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Asia and the Pacific

World News

Women's Vital Role toward achieving a Sustainable Ocean Future

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Women's Vital Role toward achieving a Sustainable Ocean Future


The reality for women in the Blue Economy is undeniable: their crucial contributions are frequently overshadowed at best; unnoticed at their worst.

This reality brings forth a number of pertinent questions, most notable: How can development agencies, governments, private sector, and civil society organization mainstream gender into the Blue Economy seascape? And secondly, what does success look like?

The reality for women in the Blue Economy is undeniable: their crucial contributions are frequently overshadowed at best; unnoticed at their worst.

This reality brings forth a number of pertinent questions, most notable: How can development agencies, governments, private sector, and civil society organization mainstream gender into the Blue Economy seascape? And secondly, what does success look like?

Pacific women in leadership still battle cultural and social pushback

May 16, 2024

Pacific women in leadership still battle cultural and social pushback

There are calls for more support for Pacific women to get into politics, while also recognising cultural leadership roles.

There are calls for more support for Pacific women to get into politics, while also recognising cultural leadership roles.

World News

Gender disparity in Pacific politics | Balance of Power project aims to empower women in leadership

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Gender disparity in Pacific politics | Balance of Power project aims to empower women in leadership


Less than 7 per cent of Pacific politicians are women, compared with 27 per cent globally.

This means the Pacific’s representation of women in politics is among the worst in any region in the world, says an Op-Ed penned last month by former New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Pacific Office resident representative Munkhtuya Altangerel.

Less than 7 per cent of Pacific politicians are women, compared with 27 per cent globally.

This means the Pacific’s representation of women in politics is among the worst in any region in the world, says an Op-Ed penned last month by former New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Pacific Office resident representative Munkhtuya Altangerel.

World News

Do no harm | Programs to support for Pacific women leaders

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Do no harm | Programs to support for Pacific women leaders


The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

World News

Do no harm: supporting Pacific women leaders

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Do no harm: supporting Pacific women leaders


The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

How Southeast Asia pioneered female leadership, and lessons for development cooperation

December 8, 2023

How Southeast Asia pioneered female leadership, and lessons for development cooperation

Today, I’d like to reflect on why Southeast Asia stands out in the global history of gender, for pioneering female political and spiritual leadership; how job-creating economic growth, urbanisation and universities are the major contemporary drivers of gender equality;

Today, I’d like to reflect on why Southeast Asia stands out in the global history of gender, for pioneering female political and spiritual leadership; how job-creating economic growth, urbanisation and universities are the major contemporary drivers of gender equality;

Increasing women’s representation in Pacific politics: ‘give it time’ is not the answer

October 18, 2023

Increasing women’s representation in Pacific politics: ‘give it time’ is not the answer

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

Women are significantly under-represented in Pacific politics. But they're pushing for change

May 4, 2023

Women are significantly under-represented in Pacific politics. But they're pushing for change

Gloria Julia King is the only female member of Vanuatu's parliament.

Before she was elected last year, there hadn't been a female MP in Vanuatu for 15 years.

Gloria Julia King is the only female member of Vanuatu's parliament.

Before she was elected last year, there hadn't been a female MP in Vanuatu for 15 years.

In Southeast Asia, violence against female political leaders is rising

November 28, 2022

In Southeast Asia, violence against female political leaders is rising

'Far too little attention has been paid to either the obstacles women face once they achieve positions of political leadership or the reasons why they leave politics.'

'Far too little attention has been paid to either the obstacles women face once they achieve positions of political leadership or the reasons why they leave politics.'