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World News

Marielle Franco, Brazilian politician and critic of police brutality, murdered

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Marielle Franco, Brazilian politician and critic of police brutality, murdered


Rio de Janeiro councilwoman Marielle Franco was on her way home Wednesday evening when she and her driver were shot and killed on the road.

The 38-year-old left-leaning politician was an outspoken critic of police brutality, according to The Guardian. That evening, she had participated in a discussion about black women changing the status quo.

Rio de Janeiro councilwoman Marielle Franco was on her way home Wednesday evening when she and her driver were shot and killed on the road.

The 38-year-old left-leaning politician was an outspoken critic of police brutality, according to The Guardian. That evening, she had participated in a discussion about black women changing the status quo.

World News

City 50-50 Platform encourages gender parity in power spheres in Brazil

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City 50-50 Platform encourages gender parity in power spheres in Brazil


UN Women launched where candidates will be able to make public commitments to gender equality.

UN Women launched where candidates will be able to make public commitments to gender equality.

World News

Maria Silvia Bastos Marques, first high-rank female in Temer's administration

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Maria Silvia Bastos Marques, first high-rank female in Temer's administration


After being harshly criticized for the complete absence of women in his government, Brazil’s Acting President, Michel Temer, have decided to put Maria Silvia Bastos Marques in charge of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).

After being harshly criticized for the complete absence of women in his government, Brazil’s Acting President, Michel Temer, have decided to put Maria Silvia Bastos Marques in charge of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES).

World News

Why has Dilma Rousseff promoted so few women?

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Why has Dilma Rousseff promoted so few women?


Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff will soon submit nominations for senior positions to the Congress for approval. Positions up for nomination include directors at the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) and a judge on the Brazilian Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF). But Rousseff, one of the world’s most powerful women, seems scarcely inclined to address the very poor gender balance in her government.


Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff will soon submit nominations for senior positions to the Congress for approval. Positions up for nomination include directors at the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) and a judge on the Brazilian Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF). But Rousseff, one of the world’s most powerful women, seems scarcely inclined to address the very poor gender balance in her government.


World News

Book on Brazilian women’s first steps in politics launched

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Book on Brazilian women’s first steps in politics launched


In the run-up to Brazil’s municipal elections, FGV Press has just published an intense and long book featuring the moving stories of a hundred Brazilian women from all over the country who decided to tackle various obstacles and fight for a place in politics.

In the run-up to Brazil’s municipal elections, FGV Press has just published an intense and long book featuring the moving stories of a hundred Brazilian women from all over the country who decided to tackle various obstacles and fight for a place in politics.

World News

Reactions in Brazil after the horrendous raping of a 16-year old girl in Rio de Janeiro

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Reactions in Brazil after the horrendous raping of a 16-year old girl in Rio de Janeiro


After the brutal raping of a 16-year old girl by 30 men in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, different women's groups have carried out actions of rejection, as this

After the brutal raping of a 16-year old girl by 30 men in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, different women's groups have carried out actions of rejection, as this

World News

The reasons behind Temer's white men-only government in Brazil

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The reasons behind Temer's white men-only government in Brazil


New article published in The Atlantic explores the reasons behind Michel Temer’s decision to establish a white men only government in Brazil. The fact that the new government of Brazil is only made up by white men caused many commentators to question its legitimacy, particularly due to Brazil’s exceptional diversity.

New article published in The Atlantic explores the reasons behind Michel Temer’s decision to establish a white men only government in Brazil. The fact that the new government of Brazil is only made up by white men caused many commentators to question its legitimacy, particularly due to Brazil’s exceptional diversity.