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World News

Impeachment process in Brazil led to new government made up only by wealthy white men

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Impeachment process in Brazil led to new government made up only by wealthy white men


Dilma Rousseff, 36th President of Brazil, has been suspended since 12 May 2016 in the context of an impeachment process that led to former Vice President Michel Temer to assume the presidential powers and duties as Acting President.

Dilma Rousseff, 36th President of Brazil, has been suspended since 12 May 2016 in the context of an impeachment process that led to former Vice President Michel Temer to assume the presidential powers and duties as Acting President.


World News

Brazil’s Dilma seems unbeatable 18 months ahead of the presidential election

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Brazil’s Dilma seems unbeatable 18 months ahead of the presidential election


The poll from the Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion, Ibope, and published by O Estado de Sao Paulo shows that 35% spontaneously even before presenting the list of possible candidates, said they would support Rousseff in 2014, which is three times the sum of all other presidential hopefuls vote intention. Likewise the 35% is far ahead of the percentages registered by Brazilian presidents since the return of democracy in 1985 and as now 18 months ahead of the presidential election.

The poll from the Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion, Ibope, and published by O Estado de Sao Paulo shows that 35% spontaneously even before presenting the list of possible candidates, said they would support Rousseff in 2014, which is three times the sum of all other presidential hopefuls vote intention. Likewise the 35% is far ahead of the percentages registered by Brazilian presidents since the return of democracy in 1985 and as now 18 months ahead of the presidential election.

Expert contribution on Legislation on funding for women in politics in Latin America, Brazil

July 29, 2012

Expert contribution on Legislation on funding for women in politics in Latin America, Brazil

Analyzing the legislation of Brazil, the author reponds to the following questions: What laws have been adopted in Latin American countries regarding funding for women in politics?

Analyzing the legislation of Brazil, the author reponds to the following questions: What laws have been adopted in Latin American countries regarding funding for women in politics?

Electoral funding for women - Case studies in Latin America

July 29, 2012

Electoral funding for women - Case studies in Latin America

In this document the author analyzes the legislation on political parties' electoral funding from a gender perspective in Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil and Panama

In this document the author analyzes the legislation on political parties' electoral funding from a gender perspective in Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil and Panama

World News

Turning Women’s Rights Into Reality

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Turning Women’s Rights Into Reality


Women’s right to abortion, and the effective implementation of social policies, especially those directly concerning women, will be key issues at the Second National Conference on Policies for Women, to be held in Brasilia from Friday to Monday.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News

Women’s right to abortion, and the effective implementation of social policies, especially those directly concerning women, will be key issues at the Second National Conference on Policies for Women, to be held in Brasilia from Friday to Monday.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News

World News

Brazil: “We Are in the Process of Constructing a New Political Field, and This is Just the Beginning”

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Brazil: “We Are in the Process of Constructing a New Political Field, and This is Just the Beginning”


In an exclusive interview, Ms. Magaly Pazello highlights the debates about the reduction in international funding for Latin America, and observes that the search for new partnerships and creation of innovative projects are fundamental steps for moving forwards in constructing this new political field.

In an exclusive interview, Ms. Magaly Pazello highlights the debates about the reduction in international funding for Latin America, and observes that the search for new partnerships and creation of innovative projects are fundamental steps for moving forwards in constructing this new political field.

World News

Brazil: Parties Fielding Too Few Women in Local Elections

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Brazil: Parties Fielding Too Few Women in Local Elections


There are still too few women on the lists of candidates for Brazil’s municipal elections in October. Women candidates for the position of mayor in the Oct. 6 elections represent only 10.3 percent of the total, hardly larger than the 2004 figure of 9.5 percent. And for seats on town councils, the proportion of women candidates has fallen from 22.1 percent in 2004 to 21.9 percent this year.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News .

There are still too few women on the lists of candidates for Brazil’s municipal elections in October. Women candidates for the position of mayor in the Oct. 6 elections represent only 10.3 percent of the total, hardly larger than the 2004 figure of 9.5 percent. And for seats on town councils, the proportion of women candidates has fallen from 22.1 percent in 2004 to 21.9 percent this year.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News .