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BRAZIL: Electoral Reform "Just a Sop" to Women

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BRAZIL: Electoral Reform "Just a Sop" to Women


The Brazilian government is congratulating itself on the first-stage approval of a draft electoral law that increases women's participation in party politics. However, the women's movement says it introduces no changes to a power structure that excludes women from politics.
To read more please see: Inter Press Service

The Brazilian government is congratulating itself on the first-stage approval of a draft electoral law that increases women's participation in party politics. However, the women's movement says it introduces no changes to a power structure that excludes women from politics.
To read more please see: Inter Press Service



Parliament, the Budget and Gender: Handbook for Parliamentarians

September 2, 2008

Parliament, the Budget and Gender: Handbook for Parliamentarians

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Political Parties: When do They Work for Women?

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Culture Matters – Working with Communities and Faith-based Organizations

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Declaration of Human Rights from a Gender Perspective

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Declaration of Human Rights from a Gender Perspective

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This Declaration, known as a pedagogic and debate work tool, is a proposal, in permanent construction, of the Declaration of Human Rights from a Gender Perspective, that integrates the progress related to human rights since 1948. It presents the following chapters:I.

Legislative Advances Ten Years after Cairo

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Legislative Advances Ten Years after Cairo

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This Report evaluates the evolution of the Cairo Program of Action, and focuses on sexual and reproductive rights and sexual and reproductive health. It identifies and analyzes the normative progress in 20 countries in the region.

Democratic Governance and Gender: Possible Linkages

April 19, 2008

Democratic Governance and Gender: Possible Linkages

This document analyzes the changes in Latin America and the relationship between democratic governance and the reform of gender inequality practices. It provides two sections that evaluate the concept of governance, and the reflection on the relationship between gender and institutions.

This document analyzes the changes in Latin America and the relationship between democratic governance and the reform of gender inequality practices. It provides two sections that evaluate the concept of governance, and the reflection on the relationship between gender and institutions.