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World News

Kyrgyzstan hosted the second "Women's Leadership – A Breakthrough into a New Era” National Forum

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Kyrgyzstan hosted the second "Women's Leadership – A Breakthrough into a New Era” National Forum


On 21-22 August, women leaders, politicians and civil servants from all provinces of Kyrgyzstan gathered at the second National Forum Women's Leadership – A Breakthrough into a New Era. The forum served as a platform for dialogue about the importance of women's contribution to the development of society, rethinking women's leadership factors and creating a joint strategy for the development of the country.

On 21-22 August, women leaders, politicians and civil servants from all provinces of Kyrgyzstan gathered at the second National Forum Women's Leadership – A Breakthrough into a New Era. The forum served as a platform for dialogue about the importance of women's contribution to the development of society, rethinking women's leadership factors and creating a joint strategy for the development of the country.

Les «petites» femmes de la politique kirghize

November 9, 2021

Les «petites» femmes de la politique kirghize

Au Kirghizstan, le grand nombre d’hommes en politique est un problème. Mais cette histoire est celle de « petites » femmes qui font de grandes choses.

Au Kirghizstan, le grand nombre d’hommes en politique est un problème. Mais cette histoire est celle de « petites » femmes qui font de grandes choses.

World News

Forum of women members of Parliaments in Kyrgyzstan takes on domestic violence

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Forum of women members of Parliaments in Kyrgyzstan takes on domestic violence


Within the first two weeks of 2020, three women were beaten to death by their husbands or partners in Kyrgyzstan. Sadly, these were not isolated incidents. Despite having a domestic violence law in place since 2017, domestic violence is not rare in Kyrgyzstan. In fact, reports of abuse are rising. Since 2011, the number of reported incidents of domestic violence has risen by 400 percent.

Most victims are women and their abusers are usually their husbands.

Within the first two weeks of 2020, three women were beaten to death by their husbands or partners in Kyrgyzstan. Sadly, these were not isolated incidents. Despite having a domestic violence law in place since 2017, domestic violence is not rare in Kyrgyzstan. In fact, reports of abuse are rising. Since 2011, the number of reported incidents of domestic violence has risen by 400 percent.

Most victims are women and their abusers are usually their husbands.

World News

Youth in Kyrgyzstan unite their voices ahead of crucial presidential vote

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Youth in Kyrgyzstan unite their voices ahead of crucial presidential vote


In 2017, Kyrgyzstan faced a critical turning point in the country's history. For the first time, an elected president would willingly hand power to an elected successor. Recognizing the importance of this vote, a group of 15 young activists from across the country worked together to carry out a youth-led Get Out The Vote (GOTV) campaign.

In 2017, Kyrgyzstan faced a critical turning point in the country's history. For the first time, an elected president would willingly hand power to an elected successor. Recognizing the importance of this vote, a group of 15 young activists from across the country worked together to carry out a youth-led Get Out The Vote (GOTV) campaign.


Live-streamed political program reaches thousands of young Kyrgyzstani citizens eager to participate in political life

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November 13, 2017

Live-streamed political program reaches thousands of young Kyrgyzstani citizens eager to participate in political life

The continued expansion of internet use in Kyrgyzstan has created new opportunities for young peop

The continued expansion of internet use in Kyrgyzstan has created new opportunities for young peop

World News

Kyrgyzstani women leaders organize to pass legislation to protect victims of domestic violence

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Kyrgyzstani women leaders organize to pass legislation to protect victims of domestic violence


Women in Kyrgyzstan face stark barriers to full political participation. Despite holding 23 seats in parliament, women reside in few leadership positions in parties. For example, Kyrgyzstan law requires that women make up every third name on a party candidate list.

Women in Kyrgyzstan face stark barriers to full political participation. Despite holding 23 seats in parliament, women reside in few leadership positions in parties. For example, Kyrgyzstan law requires that women make up every third name on a party candidate list.

World News

Women MPs Quotas Discussed in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan

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Women MPs Quotas Discussed in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan


The U.S. isn’t the only country deep into an election season. The former Soviet republic of Georgia, which gained independence in 1991, is heading into parliamentary elections in October. But while Hillary Clinton is busy breaking down gender barriers in U.S. politics, in Georgia women remain severely under-represented in the halls of power.

The U.S. isn’t the only country deep into an election season. The former Soviet republic of Georgia, which gained independence in 1991, is heading into parliamentary elections in October. But while Hillary Clinton is busy breaking down gender barriers in U.S. politics, in Georgia women remain severely under-represented in the halls of power.