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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

First Ardern, now Sturgeon: leaders echo ‘dehumanising’ pressures

February 21, 2023

First Ardern, now Sturgeon: leaders echo ‘dehumanising’ pressures

Like ex-New Zealand PM, Scotland’s first minister speaks of duty to admit how ‘brutality’ of political life got to her

Like ex-New Zealand PM, Scotland’s first minister speaks of duty to admit how ‘brutality’ of political life got to her

World News

Nicola Sturgeon to resign as First Minister, saying ‘the time is now’

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Nicola Sturgeon to resign as First Minister, saying ‘the time is now’


Nicola Sturgeon has announced she will stand down after eight years as First Minister, telling a press conference “the time is now”.

Nicola Sturgeon has announced she will stand down after eight years as First Minister, telling a press conference “the time is now”.

From Queen Elizabeth to Sanna Marin, young women in politics have always faced prejudice

January 9, 2023

From Queen Elizabeth to Sanna Marin, young women in politics have always faced prejudice

Two prime ministers meeting to discuss relations between their countries is standard practice in international politics.

Two prime ministers meeting to discuss relations between their countries is standard practice in international politics.

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

November 25, 2022

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.


World News

“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet

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“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet


Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Podcast: Rosie Campbell on how women shape elections

October 28, 2022

Podcast: Rosie Campbell on how women shape elections

Rosie Campbell is professor of politics and Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London, where she works with Julia.

Rosie Campbell is professor of politics and Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London, where she works with Julia.

Effective and inclusive parliaments

October 21, 2022

Effective and inclusive parliaments

Ensuring GSP principles are embedded in political institutions is vital for a healthy democracy. It highlights that women’s inclusion and equality does not just stop at the ballot box.

Ensuring GSP principles are embedded in political institutions is vital for a healthy democracy. It highlights that women’s inclusion and equality does not just stop at the ballot box.

“The voices you’re not hearing”: The project helping mums to become MPs

September 28, 2022

“The voices you’re not hearing”: The project helping mums to become MPs

MotherRED gives grants and support to 50 women, who commit to family-friendly policies, to stand for public office.

MotherRED gives grants and support to 50 women, who commit to family-friendly policies, to stand for public office.