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World News

Women's Equality Day is a timely reminder of the impact women voters have on elections

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Women's Equality Day is a timely reminder of the impact women voters have on elections


In 1973, Congress declared August 26th "Women's Equality Day."

The date, according to the National Women's History Alliance, celebrates the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote, and brings awareness to the continued fight for women's equality.

In 1973, Congress declared August 26th "Women's Equality Day."

The date, according to the National Women's History Alliance, celebrates the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote, and brings awareness to the continued fight for women's equality.

World News

Women are mysteriously missing from D.C. think tanks’ foreign policy panels. Here’s the data.

Submitted by Editor on

Women are mysteriously missing from D.C. think tanks’ foreign policy panels. Here’s the data.


Although women make up half the world’s population and a growing proportion of scholars and analysts, they’re often absent in convenings of “experts.” That’s true across a number of industries, according to an event management company’s report on gender diversity in about 60,000 events between 2013 and 2018 across 23 countries; the company found that 69 percent of all speakers were male.

Although women make up half the world’s population and a growing proportion of scholars and analysts, they’re often absent in convenings of “experts.” That’s true across a number of industries, according to an event management company’s report on gender diversity in about 60,000 events between 2013 and 2018 across 23 countries; the company found that 69 percent of all speakers were male.

This election season, we’re examining the role gender plays in news coverage. Here’s why

August 16, 2019

This election season, we’re examining the role gender plays in news coverage. Here’s why

How to close the massive gender gap in Congress

August 16, 2019

How to close the massive gender gap in Congress

By Li Zhou,

Women’s lives improve when government is more inclusive. So let’s do this already.

By Li Zhou,

Women’s lives improve when government is more inclusive. So let’s do this already.

Women candidates are constantly asked about their electability. Here are 5 reasons that’s misguided.

August 16, 2019

Women candidates are constantly asked about their electability. Here are 5 reasons that’s misguided.

An August poll highlights a trend that’s emerged in the 2020 presidential cycle thus far: Voters favor 

An August poll highlights a trend that’s emerged in the 2020 presidential cycle thus far: Voters favor