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United States of America

It’s a question no one says they want to ask. But the women running for President keep hearing it.

July 5, 2019

It’s a question no one says they want to ask. But the women running for President keep hearing it.

GREENVILLE, S.C. — Some people whisper it, some apologize for it, and some are very careful to mention their neighbors — their neighbors would be the ones to ask.

GREENVILLE, S.C. — Some people whisper it, some apologize for it, and some are very careful to mention their neighbors — their neighbors would be the ones to ask.

World News

The 6 women running for president in the US have answers

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The 6 women running for president in the US have answers


“The opportunities for the next president are enormous. We can show worldwide leadership.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren, on whether it’s possible for the next president to help stop climate change.

“The opportunities for the next president are enormous. We can show worldwide leadership.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren, on whether it’s possible for the next president to help stop climate change.

World News

The 2019 Democratic debate shows how striking it is to have more representation onstage

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The 2019 Democratic debate shows how striking it is to have more representation onstage


This week’s Democratic debates were historic: They mark the first time ever that more than one woman candidate was onstage at a US presidential debate.

This week’s Democratic debates were historic: They mark the first time ever that more than one woman candidate was onstage at a US presidential debate.

World News

Women are 'less effective in politics than men', 1 in 5 democratic and independent male voters say in poll

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Women are 'less effective in politics than men', 1 in 5 democratic and independent male voters say in poll


More than three-quarters of Democrats say gender and sexism factored into Hillary Clinton's 2016 election loss and a significant percentage of left-leaning male voters still don't trust a woman to defeat President Donald Trump in 2020.

More than three-quarters of Democrats say gender and sexism factored into Hillary Clinton's 2016 election loss and a significant percentage of left-leaning male voters still don't trust a woman to defeat President Donald Trump in 2020.


Why it would take one million women to reach gender parity in american politics

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June 19, 2019

Why it would take one million women to reach gender parity in american politics

More women were elected to Congress in 2018 than ever before, but for Congress to reach gender parity, a million women would need to run for office ac

More women were elected to Congress in 2018 than ever before, but for Congress to reach gender parity, a million women would need to run for office ac

World News

A new poll shows how sexism and electability collide in 2020

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A new poll shows how sexism and electability collide in 2020


A record number of women are running to be the next president of the United States, but Americans still don’t seem to think the country is ready for them, according to a new Daily Beast and Ipsos poll.

A record number of women are running to be the next president of the United States, but Americans still don’t seem to think the country is ready for them, according to a new Daily Beast and Ipsos poll.