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United States of America

It’s time for women in politics to adopt the strategy of their opponents

June 12, 2019

It’s time for women in politics to adopt the strategy of their opponents

By Ana Stevenson,

For more than a century, the same tactics and tropes have been used against women in politics. Now they must turn the tables.

By Ana Stevenson,

For more than a century, the same tactics and tropes have been used against women in politics. Now they must turn the tables.

World News

19th Amendment: A century of pioneering women in US politics

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19th Amendment: A century of pioneering women in US politics


One hundred years ago - on 4 June 1919 - Congress approved the 19th Amendment to the US constitution guaranteeing the right of American women to vote.

The amendment was the product of decades of campaigning and slow progress since the first convention for women's rights was held in Seneca Falls in 1848.

One hundred years ago - on 4 June 1919 - Congress approved the 19th Amendment to the US constitution guaranteeing the right of American women to vote.

The amendment was the product of decades of campaigning and slow progress since the first convention for women's rights was held in Seneca Falls in 1848.

World News

US: Where women call the shots

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US: Where women call the shots


She didn’t plan to say it. Yvanna Cancela, a newly elected Democrat in the Nevada Senate, didn’t want to “sound crass.” But when a Republican colleague defended a century-old law requiring doctors to ask women seeking abortions whether they’re married, Cancela couldn’t help firing back.

“A man is not asked his marital status before he gets a vasectomy,” she countered — and the packed hearing room fell silent.

She didn’t plan to say it. Yvanna Cancela, a newly elected Democrat in the Nevada Senate, didn’t want to “sound crass.” But when a Republican colleague defended a century-old law requiring doctors to ask women seeking abortions whether they’re married, Cancela couldn’t help firing back.

“A man is not asked his marital status before he gets a vasectomy,” she countered — and the packed hearing room fell silent.

World News

In abortion fight, 2020 female candidates lead call to arms

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In abortion fight, 2020 female candidates lead call to arms


For Senator Elizabeth Warren, the moment brought up memories of “back alley butchers” and “desperate women.” Senator Kamala Harris compared it to “a scene from ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’” And Senator Kirsten Gillibrand warned about a “war on women,” calling for Americans to “fight like hell.”

For Senator Elizabeth Warren, the moment brought up memories of “back alley butchers” and “desperate women.” Senator Kamala Harris compared it to “a scene from ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’” And Senator Kirsten Gillibrand warned about a “war on women,” calling for Americans to “fight like hell.”

Survey: When should a woman have children if she’s thinking about running for office?

May 10, 2019

Survey: When should a woman have children if she’s thinking about running for office?

World News

Asked if a woman can win, 2020 candidates offer an easy answer: ‘I have’

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Asked if a woman can win, 2020 candidates offer an easy answer: ‘I have’


RESTON, Iowa — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York had a request: Before anyone mocked her claim that she was the Democratic presidential candidate best positioned to take on President Trump, at least listen to the evidence.

RESTON, Iowa — Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York had a request: Before anyone mocked her claim that she was the Democratic presidential candidate best positioned to take on President Trump, at least listen to the evidence.