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World News

A ‘Women’s New Deal’

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A ‘Women’s New Deal’


A trio of high-profile leaders — Cecile Richards, Alicia Garza, Ai-jen Poo — introduce Supermajority, a group that wants to guide millions of American women toward political activism.

A trio of high-profile leaders — Cecile Richards, Alicia Garza, Ai-jen Poo — introduce Supermajority, a group that wants to guide millions of American women toward political activism.

World News

US: The very real effects of having more women in office

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US: The very real effects of having more women in office


Colorado is already seeing the tangible benefits of having more women in the legislature, including a handful of bills aimed to uproot gender inequity in the workplace.

Colorado is already seeing the tangible benefits of having more women in the legislature, including a handful of bills aimed to uproot gender inequity in the workplace.

World News

Jane Castor elected Tampa's first openly LGBTQ mayor

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Jane Castor elected Tampa's first openly LGBTQ mayor


"How exciting is this?" Castor said Tuesday night to a cheering crowd as she raised her hands in the air. "The next mayor of Tampa!"

With endorsements from organizations that advocate for LGBTQ rights, like the Human Rights Campaign and Equality Florida Action PAC, Castor joins a growing number of openly LGBTQ elected officials nationwide.

"How exciting is this?" Castor said Tuesday night to a cheering crowd as she raised her hands in the air. "The next mayor of Tampa!"

With endorsements from organizations that advocate for LGBTQ rights, like the Human Rights Campaign and Equality Florida Action PAC, Castor joins a growing number of openly LGBTQ elected officials nationwide.

World News

WGBH News investigates gender diversity in local politics with ambitious digital project

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WGBH News investigates gender diversity in local politics with ambitious digital project


More than 500. That’s how many phone calls and emails Laura Colarusso, WGBH News digital managing editor, and Emily Judem, digital producer, made to Massachusetts city and town governments to gather information about women in local politics for their recent feature, The Original Old Boys’ Club.

More than 500. That’s how many phone calls and emails Laura Colarusso, WGBH News digital managing editor, and Emily Judem, digital producer, made to Massachusetts city and town governments to gather information about women in local politics for their recent feature, The Original Old Boys’ Club.

World News

Some Americans still doubt women's emotional suitability for politics, according to study

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Some Americans still doubt women's emotional suitability for politics, according to study


The jam-packed 2020 Democratic presidential field includes six women, the largest-ever number of women to run for a party's presidential nomination. But a new study finds that some Americans still question whether women have the emotional fitness necessary to hold office.

The jam-packed 2020 Democratic presidential field includes six women, the largest-ever number of women to run for a party's presidential nomination. But a new study finds that some Americans still question whether women have the emotional fitness necessary to hold office.

World News

Study: Women presidential candidates endure tougher coverage

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Study: Women presidential candidates endure tougher coverage


Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand has drawn some harsh media coverage since launching her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in January – but in that, it seems she's part of a sisterhood.

Women candidates for the Democratic nomination are consistently receiving tougher coverage than their male counterparts, according to a recent study of 130 stories from the nation's top news websites.

Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand has drawn some harsh media coverage since launching her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in January – but in that, it seems she's part of a sisterhood.

Women candidates for the Democratic nomination are consistently receiving tougher coverage than their male counterparts, according to a recent study of 130 stories from the nation's top news websites.

World News

Trickle-down equality: More women in Congress means less sexism for staffers

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Trickle-down equality: More women in Congress means less sexism for staffers


Women in Congress have been getting attention recently for calling out casual sexism on the Hill — and female staffers say it’s making their jobs easier.

Women in Congress have been getting attention recently for calling out casual sexism on the Hill — and female staffers say it’s making their jobs easier.