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World News

Stepping Stone: Jordan's quota for women's parliament seats is raising the profile of female politicians

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Stepping Stone: Jordan's quota for women's parliament seats is raising the profile of female politicians


Jordanian female parliamentarians have come a long way in the ten years since the quota system was first introduced for the 2003 elections. Crucially, the quota system has succeeded in changing society’s attitudes, to the extent that women are now being directly elected to parliament without the help of a quota seat.

Jordanian female parliamentarians have come a long way in the ten years since the quota system was first introduced for the 2003 elections. Crucially, the quota system has succeeded in changing society’s attitudes, to the extent that women are now being directly elected to parliament without the help of a quota seat.

World News

Norway's female MPs tell women to 'give a damn'

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Norway's female MPs tell women to 'give a damn'


'Maybe women deserve men setting the agenda," a conservative female politician said Friday as emotions ran high over a study that showed men know more about politics than women, and that the gender gap was wider in Norway than in comparable countries such as Australia.

'Maybe women deserve men setting the agenda," a conservative female politician said Friday as emotions ran high over a study that showed men know more about politics than women, and that the gender gap was wider in Norway than in comparable countries such as Australia.

World News

Ensuring women's participation in the upcoming elections in Zimbabwe

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Ensuring women's participation in the upcoming elections in Zimbabwe


A group of non-governmental organizations has come up with a programme to ensure that women safely participate in the forthcoming elections.

The programme, called The Women's Situation Room, will see women across the country and from different political parties receiving help as soon as they dial a toll free number that is set to be launched next July 29, if they experience any problems during the election period.

A group of non-governmental organizations has come up with a programme to ensure that women safely participate in the forthcoming elections.

The programme, called The Women's Situation Room, will see women across the country and from different political parties receiving help as soon as they dial a toll free number that is set to be launched next July 29, if they experience any problems during the election period.

World News

Rwanda: Women Poised to Retain Majority in Parliament

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Rwanda: Women Poised to Retain Majority in Parliament


With constitutional quotas for interest group seats in their favour and all political parties legally bound to respect women's quota of at least 30 per cent of their parliamentary nominees, women may retain or even widen their majority in the Chamber of Deputies after the upcoming September elections.

With constitutional quotas for interest group seats in their favour and all political parties legally bound to respect women's quota of at least 30 per cent of their parliamentary nominees, women may retain or even widen their majority in the Chamber of Deputies after the upcoming September elections.

World News

Zimbabwe’s Women Say They Still Lag Behind in Political Arena

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Zimbabwe’s Women Say They Still Lag Behind in Political Arena


HARARE — Zimbabweans go to the polls July 31 under a new constitution that some hoped would bring more women into politics. But, some women say the road to gender equity in Zimbabwean politics is a long one.  
Zimbabwe’s 2012 census shows that women comprise 52 percent of the population. But that demographic is not reflected in the political arena.

HARARE — Zimbabweans go to the polls July 31 under a new constitution that some hoped would bring more women into politics. But, some women say the road to gender equity in Zimbabwean politics is a long one.  
Zimbabwe’s 2012 census shows that women comprise 52 percent of the population. But that demographic is not reflected in the political arena.

World News

Daughter of murdered mayoral candidate wins election, Mexico

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Daughter of murdered mayoral candidate wins election, Mexico


 On the same day that she buried her father, Alma Leticia Reyes decided that she would follow in his footsteps and continue his candidacy for mayor of a Mexican town herself, and now - after winning the election - she will have the chance to carry out the plans that he intended to implement in office.

We invite you to read the full article published July 11 2013

 On the same day that she buried her father, Alma Leticia Reyes decided that she would follow in his footsteps and continue his candidacy for mayor of a Mexican town herself, and now - after winning the election - she will have the chance to carry out the plans that he intended to implement in office.

We invite you to read the full article published July 11 2013

World News

The Men (and One Woman) Who Might Be Afghanistan's Next President

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The Men (and One Woman) Who Might Be Afghanistan's Next President


President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai essentially just had a Skype breakup. According to The New York Times, the "slowly unraveling" relationship between the two reached a "new low" when Karzai unloaded on Obama in a video conference for negotiating with the Taliban without him. This falling out comes at a fraught moment, just as Obama is finalizing his endgame plans in Afghanistan.

President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai essentially just had a Skype breakup. According to The New York Times, the "slowly unraveling" relationship between the two reached a "new low" when Karzai unloaded on Obama in a video conference for negotiating with the Taliban without him. This falling out comes at a fraught moment, just as Obama is finalizing his endgame plans in Afghanistan.

World News

The woman behind Zimbabwe's no-vote-no-sex campaign

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The woman behind Zimbabwe's no-vote-no-sex campaign


As Zimbabwe’s voter registration closed yesterday, one can’t help but wonder if the country's recent sex boycott also came to a happy ending. Our correspondent caught up with the woman behind the no-vote-no-sex campaign, MDC minister Priscilla Misihairabwi Mushonga.

We invite you to read the full article published July 10 2013 by RNW

As Zimbabwe’s voter registration closed yesterday, one can’t help but wonder if the country's recent sex boycott also came to a happy ending. Our correspondent caught up with the woman behind the no-vote-no-sex campaign, MDC minister Priscilla Misihairabwi Mushonga.

We invite you to read the full article published July 10 2013 by RNW