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women candidates

World News

Swazi Chiefs Shut Women Out of Parliament, Swaziland

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Swazi Chiefs Shut Women Out of Parliament, Swaziland


Archaic and chauvinistic practices are being used to prevent Swazi women from taking part in the upcoming primary elections, despite the country having a constitution that guarantees their rights, says political analyst Dr. Sikelela Dlamini.

“The discrimination [against] women by preventing them from participating in politics is a consequence of deeply-rooted notions of male dominance and the subordination of women,” Dlamini told IPS.

Archaic and chauvinistic practices are being used to prevent Swazi women from taking part in the upcoming primary elections, despite the country having a constitution that guarantees their rights, says political analyst Dr. Sikelela Dlamini.

“The discrimination [against] women by preventing them from participating in politics is a consequence of deeply-rooted notions of male dominance and the subordination of women,” Dlamini told IPS.

World News

Historic All-Woman Race For Mayor of Paris

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Historic All-Woman Race For Mayor of Paris


Four women, one seat. So far, the 2014 mayoral election in Paris is a single-sex contest.

The two biggest parties have chosen their candidates: Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, of the center-right Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP), and Anne Hidalgo of the Parti Socialiste (PS).

Two other women are also widely expected to fight for the mayor seat against candidates from several smaller parties: Marielle de Sarnez of the centrist MoDem and the Green party leader Cecile Duflot.

Four women, one seat. So far, the 2014 mayoral election in Paris is a single-sex contest.

The two biggest parties have chosen their candidates: Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, of the center-right Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP), and Anne Hidalgo of the Parti Socialiste (PS).

Two other women are also widely expected to fight for the mayor seat against candidates from several smaller parties: Marielle de Sarnez of the centrist MoDem and the Green party leader Cecile Duflot.

World News

Mars Outshines Venus in South Caucasus Politics

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Mars Outshines Venus in South Caucasus Politics


To many, it may come as no surprise. Politics is a man’s world in the South Caucasus, where women remain a legislative minority, according to recent data from the World Bank.

The study showed that, regionally, Armenia has the lowest share of female parliamentarians, at 11 percent of its 131-seat National Assembly. Georgia comes next on the list with 12 percent, though the 2012 election marked a slight improvement. Azerbaijan is doing the best, though the female presence in its 125-seat Milli Majlis still stands at a modest 16 percent.

To many, it may come as no surprise. Politics is a man’s world in the South Caucasus, where women remain a legislative minority, according to recent data from the World Bank.

The study showed that, regionally, Armenia has the lowest share of female parliamentarians, at 11 percent of its 131-seat National Assembly. Georgia comes next on the list with 12 percent, though the 2012 election marked a slight improvement. Azerbaijan is doing the best, though the female presence in its 125-seat Milli Majlis still stands at a modest 16 percent.

World News

473 women candidates running in municipal elections, Jordan

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473 women candidates running in municipal elections, Jordan


Some 473 women are running along with 2,333 male candidates in the municipal elections due to be held on August 27 in the Kingdom, according to Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women Asma Khader.

She told Petra today that 68 women candidates have already won by acclamation, adding that eight women are in the race for mayor along with approximately 700 male candidates.

We invite you to read the full article published August 20, 2013

Some 473 women are running along with 2,333 male candidates in the municipal elections due to be held on August 27 in the Kingdom, according to Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women Asma Khader.

She told Petra today that 68 women candidates have already won by acclamation, adding that eight women are in the race for mayor along with approximately 700 male candidates.

We invite you to read the full article published August 20, 2013

World News

Rwanda: Over 400 to Compete for 80 Parliamentary Seats

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Rwanda: Over 400 to Compete for 80 Parliamentary Seats


The National Electoral Commission (NEC) yesterday released the final list of candidates who will run in the September 16 parliamentary elections, exactly a week ahead of the campaign trail.

The majority of outgoing MPs are on the final list in the various categories, with the RPF-led coalition due to field the highest number of aspirants - 80 in total.

We invite you to read the full article published August 20, 2013

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) yesterday released the final list of candidates who will run in the September 16 parliamentary elections, exactly a week ahead of the campaign trail.

The majority of outgoing MPs are on the final list in the various categories, with the RPF-led coalition due to field the highest number of aspirants - 80 in total.

We invite you to read the full article published August 20, 2013

World News

The women candidates we need, USA

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The women candidates we need, USA


“Just lunch, or is it Campaign 2016 just getting started?” one pundit breathlessly asks of a meal between President Obama and his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

“Just lunch, or is it Campaign 2016 just getting started?” one pundit breathlessly asks of a meal between President Obama and his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

World News

Chile’s Women Candidates, Not Two of a Kind

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Chile’s Women Candidates, Not Two of a Kind


“There’s something sexist about saying that the candidates are two women. Has anyone ever remarked on it when the candidates are two men?” former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet complained about comparisons between herself and her main rival in the presidential elections, rightwing candidate Evelyn Matthei.

The Nov. 17 elections are the first electoral race in Latin America in which the two main presidential candidates are women.

“There’s something sexist about saying that the candidates are two women. Has anyone ever remarked on it when the candidates are two men?” former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet complained about comparisons between herself and her main rival in the presidential elections, rightwing candidate Evelyn Matthei.

The Nov. 17 elections are the first electoral race in Latin America in which the two main presidential candidates are women.

World News

10 Australian female politicians to watch

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10 Australian female politicians to watch


Julia Gillard may be out and 'sexygate' may be rumbling on, but let's not forget there are incredible female politicians in Australia

Tony Abbott was criticised last week for referring to Liberal candidate Fiona Scott's "sex appeal", but he's back at it. This morning he praised Scott's answer to a question about his economic plan with the comment: "obviously from that answer she ain't just a pretty face."

Julia Gillard may be out and 'sexygate' may be rumbling on, but let's not forget there are incredible female politicians in Australia

Tony Abbott was criticised last week for referring to Liberal candidate Fiona Scott's "sex appeal", but he's back at it. This morning he praised Scott's answer to a question about his economic plan with the comment: "obviously from that answer she ain't just a pretty face."

World News

Australian Women in Politics: Bridget McKenzie, National Party Senator for Victoria

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Australian Women in Politics: Bridget McKenzie, National Party Senator for Victoria


Next up in our Women in Politics series, is Senator Bridget McKenzie. Tall and blonde, Ms McKenzie gained unwanted media attention last year when fellow National Party Senator Barnaby Joyce referred to her in the Senate as “a flash bit of kit.”

FROM the age of five, an eager Bridget McKenzie would wake up at 3 am and accompany her father as he delivered milk to darkened houses in northern Victoria.

Next up in our Women in Politics series, is Senator Bridget McKenzie. Tall and blonde, Ms McKenzie gained unwanted media attention last year when fellow National Party Senator Barnaby Joyce referred to her in the Senate as “a flash bit of kit.”

FROM the age of five, an eager Bridget McKenzie would wake up at 3 am and accompany her father as he delivered milk to darkened houses in northern Victoria.