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In Yemen, Women Take One Step Forward, Two Steps Back | Aug. 20, 2012

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Submitted by Anónimo (no verificado) on

In Yemen, Women Take One Step Forward, Two Steps Back | Aug. 20, 2012


VOA | Link to story  »

A halting and sometimes violent transfer of governing power is under way in Yemen and if the transition goes smoothly, one of the biggest beneficiaries could be the nation’s women.

And Susan Markham, director of women’s political participation at Washington’s National Democratic Institute, said Yemen is “moving in the right direction.”

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VOA | Link to story  »

A halting and sometimes violent transfer of governing power is under way in Yemen and if the transition goes smoothly, one of the biggest beneficiaries could be the nation’s women.

And Susan Markham, director of women’s political participation at Washington’s National Democratic Institute, said Yemen is “moving in the right direction.”

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