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An effective political campaign is a connected series of operations designed to persuade constituents to vote for you, your candidate, a party or an issue. Campaigns require methodical planning, organization and implementation.

Women face a number of obstacles implementing effective, winning campaigns. Women generally have more difficulty than men do in raising sufficient funds to win a campaign, in large part because they are traditionally not the primary breadwinners. Similarly, women may not have equal access to decision-making regarding the distribution of funds. Traditionally, women must earn the internal support of their party or, alternatively, work even harder to win as independent candidates. Rather than focusing on the substance of a campaign and its message, the media and the public may focus instead on the appearance of a woman candidate or her role in the home. To earn the support of their own party and constituents, women must work harder than men do to create clean, targeted and compelling messages.

World News

Kenya: 10 women seek to make history in governor race

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Kenya: 10 women seek to make history in governor race


Kenya could get its first female governor in the next General Election after 10 women formally submitted their bids, as indicated in the list of aspirants published by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

Kenya could get its first female governor in the next General Election after 10 women formally submitted their bids, as indicated in the list of aspirants published by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

World News

Canada: New project announced to engage Prince Edward Island women in politics

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Canada: New project announced to engage Prince Edward Island women in politics


CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – Organizers of a three-year project hope to increase the number of Island women engaging as elected representatives and organizers.

CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – Organizers of a three-year project hope to increase the number of Island women engaging as elected representatives and organizers.

World News

More women exploring political careers after Trump's election

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More women exploring political careers after Trump's election


For one Chicago woman, the epiphany came just a few days after the presidential election. As Sameena Mustafa processed Donald Trump's victory and the shifting national political climate, she found it was no longer enough to vote, donate money or talk with friends about various political candidates.

For one Chicago woman, the epiphany came just a few days after the presidential election. As Sameena Mustafa processed Donald Trump's victory and the shifting national political climate, she found it was no longer enough to vote, donate money or talk with friends about various political candidates.


World News

Even with rise of political outsiders, women take traditional path to power in the US

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Even with rise of political outsiders, women take traditional path to power in the US


When she thinks about getting women involved in government, Kelly Dittmar can’t help but be reminded of asparagus.

When she thinks about getting women involved in government, Kelly Dittmar can’t help but be reminded of asparagus.

Political finance and the equal participation of women in Colombia: a situation analysis

December 8, 2016

Political finance and the equal participation of women in Colombia: a situation analysis

World News

Global Campaign Promoting Right of Young People to Run for Public Office

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Global Campaign Promoting Right of Young People to Run for Public Office


Today the global campaign Not Too Young To Run was launched at the first United Nations Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law taking place at United Nations Geneva. 

Today the global campaign Not Too Young To Run was launched at the first United Nations Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law taking place at United Nations Geneva.