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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Women in politics: new data shows growth but also setbacks

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Women in politics: new data shows growth but also setbacks


Despite increases in the number of women at the highest levels of political power, widespread gender inequalities persist, according to the 2021 edition of the IPU-UN Women Map of Women in Politics.

Despite increases in the number of women at the highest levels of political power, widespread gender inequalities persist, according to the 2021 edition of the IPU-UN Women Map of Women in Politics.

World News

Record number of women win on Israel’s election day, but progress remains elusive

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Record number of women win on Israel’s election day, but progress remains elusive


A projected 30 women will enter the Israeli legislature, a record for an Election Day, but it appears female representation in parliament will remain roughly the same for the 24th Knesset as in past sessions.

A projected 30 women will enter the Israeli legislature, a record for an Election Day, but it appears female representation in parliament will remain roughly the same for the 24th Knesset as in past sessions.

World News

Can she handle it? How the Israeli media covers women politicians

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Can she handle it? How the Israeli media covers women politicians


Women running for the Knesset have to overcome not only voters' gender stereotypes, but a media landscape that is heavily skewed in men's favor.

Women running for the Knesset have to overcome not only voters' gender stereotypes, but a media landscape that is heavily skewed in men's favor.


CSW65 Side Event: Women’s Political Participation in Africa


CSW65 Side Event: Women’s Political Participation in Africa

International IDEA will be hosting a CSW65 side event under the ambit of the CSW gathering entitled Women’s Political Participation in Africa: Ol


The Role of EMBs in Promoting Women’s Political Participation


The Role of EMBs in Promoting Women’s Political Participation

This virtual event, co-organized by UNDP and the Electoral Assistance Division of the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

Women in Parliament in 2020: The year in review

March 5, 2021

Women in Parliament in 2020: The year in review

Elections in 2020 were profoundly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in delays and cancellations, logistical challenges for candidates and election administrators and often low turnout.

Elections in 2020 were profoundly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in delays and cancellations, logistical challenges for candidates and election administrators and often low turnout.

World News

Vote for women — they may be more likely to keep campaign promises, says study

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Vote for women — they may be more likely to keep campaign promises, says study


The more women there are in government, the more likely it is to deliver on its campaign promises — that’s the conclusion of a recent American study conducted across the United States, Canada and ten European countries.

The more women there are in government, the more likely it is to deliver on its campaign promises — that’s the conclusion of a recent American study conducted across the United States, Canada and ten European countries.

Future is female, but why are women leaders missing from India's political arena?

March 3, 2021

Future is female, but why are women leaders missing from India's political arena?

The recent election of Kamala Harris as the first woman vice president of America has ignited the aspirations of countless women in politics globally.

The recent election of Kamala Harris as the first woman vice president of America has ignited the aspirations of countless women in politics globally.