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CSW65 Side Event: Women’s Political Participation in Africa



CSW65 Side Event: Women’s Political Participation in Africa

International IDEA will be hosting a CSW65 side event under the ambit of the CSW gathering entitled Women’s Political Participation in Africa: Old Barriers, New Frontiers. This global event will mark the launch of the inaugural Women's Political Participation (WPP) Africa Barometer by Her Excellency President Joyce Banda of Malawi, one of  only two female presidents to be elected to office in Africa, on behalf of the Sida-International IDEA WPP Africa Consortium.

The Barometer resonates with the CSW priority theme focussing on women’s effective participation and decision making. The side event will provide a platform for sharing key findings of the Barometer, perspectives of various democracy stakeholders, including civil society, young women, and female politicians under political persecution. The Barometer uses a number of yard sticks to measure the progress of women in political participation including the proportion of women in political decision making at all levels of governance. This research product highlights the intricate barriers for women in political participation in institutions, systems and norms across Africa. Finally, the research provides pointers to strategies that contribute to an increase to and meaningful participation of women in political decision-making.

Click here to learn more and to register.



International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)


International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)