Melody Dziva
Melody Dziva is 29 years old. She is the youngest woman Member of Parliament in Zimbabwe, and she represents the Zanu PF Party which is the current party in power. Melody Dziva is the Deputy Secretary General for the Women Parliamentary Caucus of Zimbabwe in addition to being a member of the Committee on Public Account, Youth Indigenization, and Economic Empowerment. This interview was conducted at the 133rd IPU Assembly.
Melody Dziva is 29 years old. She is the youngest woman Member of Parliament in Zimbabwe, and she represents the Zanu PF Party which is the current party in power. Melody Dziva is the Deputy Secretary General for the Women Parliamentary Caucus of Zimbabwe in addition to being a member of the Committee on Public Account, Youth Indigenization, and Economic Empowerment. This interview was conducted at the 133rd IPU Assembly.