Australia: Women at the frontline (and the rear) of COVID-19
Source: Blue Notes
Laura Moorby has never been busier. She’s a Relationship Manager for ANZ in the Australian Capital Territory and her customers heard the bank would assist them with loan repayment suspensions and other relief measures in response to COVID-19. Her phone hasn’t stopped ringing.
Laura’s not saving lives directly but she may well be saving livelihoods.
"Women are much more likely to take on the role of the carer to cope with school shut downs or where elderly or sick relatives need help.”
She’s also one of approximately 230,000 women in finance and insurance services. The women at the health care and social assistance frontline - who are directly saving lives - are even more dominant in their sector, comprising 78 per cent of employees (compared with 51 per cent in finance and insurance).
Demand for these workers is very strong, as evidenced by student nurses and Australia-based internationally qualified nurses and midwifes being fast-tracked into the workforce.
But that’s not the case for Australia’s third and fourth most feminised industries: retail trade and accommodation. Large parts of the retail trade and accommodation and hospitality industries have been temporarily shut-down by COVID-19.
Click here to read the full article published by Blue Notes on 20 April 2020.
Laura Moorby has never been busier. She’s a Relationship Manager for ANZ in the Australian Capital Territory and her customers heard the bank would assist them with loan repayment suspensions and other relief measures in response to COVID-19. Her phone hasn’t stopped ringing.
Laura’s not saving lives directly but she may well be saving livelihoods.
"Women are much more likely to take on the role of the carer to cope with school shut downs or where elderly or sick relatives need help.”
She’s also one of approximately 230,000 women in finance and insurance services. The women at the health care and social assistance frontline - who are directly saving lives - are even more dominant in their sector, comprising 78 per cent of employees (compared with 51 per cent in finance and insurance).
Demand for these workers is very strong, as evidenced by student nurses and Australia-based internationally qualified nurses and midwifes being fast-tracked into the workforce.
But that’s not the case for Australia’s third and fourth most feminised industries: retail trade and accommodation. Large parts of the retail trade and accommodation and hospitality industries have been temporarily shut-down by COVID-19.
Click here to read the full article published by Blue Notes on 20 April 2020.