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How to create gender-balanced governance in the US

Case Study

November 23, 2023

How to create gender-balanced governance in the US

Source: LA Progressive

Women’s underrepresentation at all levels of government is a persistent problem in the United States. RepresentWomen’s research shows that although we have made progress towards parity, this progress is slow and inconsistent, meaning we are unlikely to reach gender balance within our lifetimes. Increasing and sustaining women’s leadership in elected office requires us to remove the barriers women candidates and legislators face. This drives our research at RepresentWomen to identify the barriers and system-level solutions we can implement to create a more representative, gender-balanced democracy.

Click here to read the full article published by LA Progressive on 22 November 2023.

Image by LA Progressive



Resource type
Steph Scaglia and Alissa Bombardier Shaw
Focus areas

Women’s underrepresentation at all levels of government is a persistent problem in the United States. RepresentWomen’s research shows that although we have made progress towards parity, this progress is slow and inconsistent, meaning we are unlikely to reach gender balance within our lifetimes. Increasing and sustaining women’s leadership in elected office requires us to remove the barriers women candidates and legislators face. This drives our research at RepresentWomen to identify the barriers and system-level solutions we can implement to create a more representative, gender-balanced democracy.

Click here to read the full article published by LA Progressive on 22 November 2023.

Image by LA Progressive



Resource type
Steph Scaglia and Alissa Bombardier Shaw
Focus areas