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Wrapped up in Georgian Dream: Nino Burjanadze takes on fight for presidency


October 24, 2013

Wrapped up in Georgian Dream: Nino Burjanadze takes on fight for presidency

State officials have been deliberately pursuing a policy in Georgia to make the post of President, if not redundant, then significantly lacking in leverage. Nino Burjanadze, a Georgian politician and lawyer who chaired the Parliament from November 2001 to June 2008, spoke to the Voice of Russia in an exclusive interview about her reasons to run for this high office and what prevented her from winning it years ago.


Resource type
Voice of Russia
Publication year

State officials have been deliberately pursuing a policy in Georgia to make the post of President, if not redundant, then significantly lacking in leverage. Nino Burjanadze, a Georgian politician and lawyer who chaired the Parliament from November 2001 to June 2008, spoke to the Voice of Russia in an exclusive interview about her reasons to run for this high office and what prevented her from winning it years ago.


Resource type
Voice of Russia
Publication year