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In the words of Milica Borjanic: Advocating for equal participation of women in politics is our moral obligation

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In the words of Milica Borjanic: Advocating for equal participation of women in politics is our moral obligation

Source: UN Women

Milica Borjanic is a vocal advocate for youth rights in Serbia and programme manager with The National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS), as the highest independent representative body of the youth in Serbia. Last year, she was one of the participants of the UN Women's training for trainers on women's political participation and leadership.

"Doing politics means deciding on the socio-political context in which we will be living thus having a direct impact on the quality of our life. For this reason, it is very important that women play an active role in creating conditions for gender equality and opportunities for the development of conditions for a better and equal treatment of women.

More and more women are getting involved in political life albeit many of them, unfortunately, pro forma- for the sake of fulfilling a certain quota. We can prevent this kind of abuse of gender equality mechanisms by promoting and showcasing examples of women who fought for decision-making positions and paved the way for other women to follow in their footsteps. 

However, when we look at the percentage of women in the total population, and then on the other hand, we look at the percentage of women present in institutions and in decision-making positions, we will understand that these two percentages are not only not equal, but that there is a drastic difference and much smaller number of women included in the decision-making processes.

Read here the full article published by UN Women on 4 July 2024.


UN Women
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UN Women

Milica Borjanic is a vocal advocate for youth rights in Serbia and programme manager with The National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS), as the highest independent representative body of the youth in Serbia. Last year, she was one of the participants of the UN Women's training for trainers on women's political participation and leadership.

"Doing politics means deciding on the socio-political context in which we will be living thus having a direct impact on the quality of our life. For this reason, it is very important that women play an active role in creating conditions for gender equality and opportunities for the development of conditions for a better and equal treatment of women.

More and more women are getting involved in political life albeit many of them, unfortunately, pro forma- for the sake of fulfilling a certain quota. We can prevent this kind of abuse of gender equality mechanisms by promoting and showcasing examples of women who fought for decision-making positions and paved the way for other women to follow in their footsteps. 

However, when we look at the percentage of women in the total population, and then on the other hand, we look at the percentage of women present in institutions and in decision-making positions, we will understand that these two percentages are not only not equal, but that there is a drastic difference and much smaller number of women included in the decision-making processes.

Read here the full article published by UN Women on 4 July 2024.


UN Women
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