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#AskHerToStand is the powerful campaign encouraging women to be part of government

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#AskHerToStand is the powerful campaign encouraging women to be part of government

Source: Stylist Magazine

Whether it’s pay gaps, medical misogyny, an unfair division of labour or sport inequality, we’re constantly reminded that, despite the progress we’ve made, true gender equality still hasn’t been achieved. This imbalance extends into the world of politics too, with just 35% of women in candidate selections right now.

The reality is that women are the majority in life but a minority in government. Currently, the ratio of men to women in parliament, and on most elected bodies throughout the UK, is 2:1. Only 34% of our MPs are women, when it should be 50% for a truly representative democracy.

Click here to read the full article published by the Stylist Magazine on 21 November 2023.

Image by Stylist Magazine



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Stylist Magazine

Whether it’s pay gaps, medical misogyny, an unfair division of labour or sport inequality, we’re constantly reminded that, despite the progress we’ve made, true gender equality still hasn’t been achieved. This imbalance extends into the world of politics too, with just 35% of women in candidate selections right now.

The reality is that women are the majority in life but a minority in government. Currently, the ratio of men to women in parliament, and on most elected bodies throughout the UK, is 2:1. Only 34% of our MPs are women, when it should be 50% for a truly representative democracy.

Click here to read the full article published by the Stylist Magazine on 21 November 2023.

Image by Stylist Magazine



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