The National Electoral Institute (INE), the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) and the Prosecutor Specialized on Electoral Crimes, presented the "Protocol to Deal with Cases of Political Violence against Women" that aims to detect, prevent and avoid gender-based political violence; situation that occurs in many cases within political parties and even in the Chamber of Senators and Deputies.
Maria del Carmen Alanis Figueroa, Judge of the Federal Electoral Tribunal and participant of the iKNOW Politics e-Discussion on Parliamentary Oversight of Gender Equality, said that the authorities do not yet understand "what is political violence":
"Neither Jurisdictional and Federal or National and Local Administrative Electoral Authorities, are well trained or understand what it is political violence, its scope, how to deal with it and how to punish it. Women themselves are not identified, the ones who suffer such violence, sometimes consider that they must endure, that it is normal what happens, and this idea is often reinforced by political means and political colleagues".
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The National Electoral Institute (INE), the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) and the Prosecutor Specialized on Electoral Crimes, presented the "Protocol to Deal with Cases of Political Violence against Women" that aims to detect, prevent and avoid gender-based political violence; situation that occurs in many cases within political parties and even in the Chamber of Senators and Deputies.
Maria del Carmen Alanis Figueroa, Judge of the Federal Electoral Tribunal and participant of the iKNOW Politics e-Discussion on Parliamentary Oversight of Gender Equality, said that the authorities do not yet understand "what is political violence":
"Neither Jurisdictional and Federal or National and Local Administrative Electoral Authorities, are well trained or understand what it is political violence, its scope, how to deal with it and how to punish it. Women themselves are not identified, the ones who suffer such violence, sometimes consider that they must endure, that it is normal what happens, and this idea is often reinforced by political means and political colleagues".
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