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Taiwan blasts Tsai's exclusion from U.N.'s Woman in Politics map

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Taiwan blasts Tsai's exclusion from U.N.'s Woman in Politics map

Source: Focus Taiwan

The Presidential Office on Friday tweeted a blistering criticism of a United Nations entity that produced a map, in collaboration with another organization, showing the global rankings of women in government, executive and parliamentary positions but excluded President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文).

On the map, created by the U.N. Women and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and released March 10, Taiwan is shaded in the same color as China, suggesting that they are one country.

"Hello @UN_Women: If you really want to empower women around the world, you may need 2 things: 1) NEW GLASSES so you can see past your prejudices; 2) MORE COURAGE so you can face reality & acknowledge #Taiwan's widely admired head of state, President @iingwen!" the Presidential Office tweeted.

The Presidential Office also posted a map, showing Taiwan as one of 21 countries that have a female as head of state or government leader.

Click here to read the full article published by Focus Taiwan on 14 March 2020.

Image by Focus Taiwan


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Focus Taiwan

The Presidential Office on Friday tweeted a blistering criticism of a United Nations entity that produced a map, in collaboration with another organization, showing the global rankings of women in government, executive and parliamentary positions but excluded President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文).

On the map, created by the U.N. Women and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and released March 10, Taiwan is shaded in the same color as China, suggesting that they are one country.

"Hello @UN_Women: If you really want to empower women around the world, you may need 2 things: 1) NEW GLASSES so you can see past your prejudices; 2) MORE COURAGE so you can face reality & acknowledge #Taiwan's widely admired head of state, President @iingwen!" the Presidential Office tweeted.

The Presidential Office also posted a map, showing Taiwan as one of 21 countries that have a female as head of state or government leader.

Click here to read the full article published by Focus Taiwan on 14 March 2020.

Image by Focus Taiwan


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