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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

World News

Jessica Lee MP is fourth 2010 Tory woman to quit, UK

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Jessica Lee MP is fourth 2010 Tory woman to quit, UK


Jessica Lee, a Commons aide to Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General, said she was stepping down from Parliament after considering her “personal circumstances and responsibilities”.

She will be the fourth female Conservative MP elected in 2010 to leave Parliament.

We invite you to read the full article published January 20, 2014

Jessica Lee, a Commons aide to Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General, said she was stepping down from Parliament after considering her “personal circumstances and responsibilities”.

She will be the fourth female Conservative MP elected in 2010 to leave Parliament.

We invite you to read the full article published January 20, 2014

World News

Two guilty over abusive tweets to Caroline Criado-Perez

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Two guilty over abusive tweets to Caroline Criado-Perez


Two people have pleaded guilty to sending "menacing" tweets to feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez.

Isabella Sorley, 23, of Newcastle, and John Nimmo, 25, of South Shields, admitted at Westminster Magistrates' Court sending the messages over a public communications network.

We invite you to read the full article published January 7, 2014

Two people have pleaded guilty to sending "menacing" tweets to feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez.

Isabella Sorley, 23, of Newcastle, and John Nimmo, 25, of South Shields, admitted at Westminster Magistrates' Court sending the messages over a public communications network.

We invite you to read the full article published January 7, 2014

World News

Would higher salaries lure more women into politics in the UK?

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Would higher salaries lure more women into politics in the UK?


What would it take to boost the number of women happy to put themselves forward to become MPs? Emma Sinclair, an entrepreneur, believes the controversial salary hike could hel.

At present 147 of the 650 elected MPs are women. Anything that encourages more smart, intelligent women into politics should be applauded. Anything that helps engage more women to contemplate politics as an accessible career and anything that might lure a superwoman to try her hand at becoming a Member of Parliament should be celebrated.

What would it take to boost the number of women happy to put themselves forward to become MPs? Emma Sinclair, an entrepreneur, believes the controversial salary hike could hel.

At present 147 of the 650 elected MPs are women. Anything that encourages more smart, intelligent women into politics should be applauded. Anything that helps engage more women to contemplate politics as an accessible career and anything that might lure a superwoman to try her hand at becoming a Member of Parliament should be celebrated.

World News

Sexist MPs aren't macho. They're pathetic dweebs

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Sexist MPs aren't macho. They're pathetic dweebs


The MPs making obscene gestures at Sarah Champion and other women in the Commons are the backbench nonentities.

The MPs making obscene gestures at Sarah Champion and other women in the Commons are the backbench nonentities.

World News

Women MPs must man up. We need more battleaxes, fewer shrinking violets

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Women MPs must man up. We need more battleaxes, fewer shrinking violets


As yet another female Tory MP announces she is to stand down, the soul-searching has begun about why women still find life in the Commons so unbearable. Laura Sandys says she is leaving politics because of "family demands". But the impression given is she is part of a growing exodus of recently elected women; "rising stars" forced out tragically early by the macho posturing in parliament.

As yet another female Tory MP announces she is to stand down, the soul-searching has begun about why women still find life in the Commons so unbearable. Laura Sandys says she is leaving politics because of "family demands". But the impression given is she is part of a growing exodus of recently elected women; "rising stars" forced out tragically early by the macho posturing in parliament.

World News

Does Nick Clegg really need to introduce 'sexist' all-women shortlists? UK

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Does Nick Clegg really need to introduce 'sexist' all-women shortlists? UK


On the face of it, what could be more sexist?

A system where women aren’t allowed to compete alongside men but only amongst themselves – presumably because nobody thinks they will manage to beat the blokes.

We invite you to read the full article published October 29, 2013

On the face of it, what could be more sexist?

A system where women aren’t allowed to compete alongside men but only amongst themselves – presumably because nobody thinks they will manage to beat the blokes.

We invite you to read the full article published October 29, 2013

World News

Why the police and the Tories should beware of 'that woman' Theresa May

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Why the police and the Tories should beware of 'that woman' Theresa May


Yesterday I sat through three hours of evidence trying to get to the bottom of who said what at a meeting about who said what during a five minute altercation a year ago.

Keeping track of the twists and turns of “plebgate” isn’t easy, so spare a thought for the MPs of the Home Affairs Committee who tried – and failed – to get a straight answer from representatives of the Police Federation.

But at one point during the session, my ears pricked up.

Yesterday I sat through three hours of evidence trying to get to the bottom of who said what at a meeting about who said what during a five minute altercation a year ago.

Keeping track of the twists and turns of “plebgate” isn’t easy, so spare a thought for the MPs of the Home Affairs Committee who tried – and failed – to get a straight answer from representatives of the Police Federation.

But at one point during the session, my ears pricked up.

World News

Lib Dem all-women shortlist considered post-2015, United Kingdom

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Lib Dem all-women shortlist considered post-2015, United Kingdom


The Lib Dems could introduce positive discrimination to redress the party's gender and ethnic imbalance, one of its cabinet ministers has said.

Seven of the the Lib Dems' 57 MPs are women - numerically and proportionally the fewest of the three major Westminster parties. All of the party's MPs are white.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

The Lib Dems could introduce positive discrimination to redress the party's gender and ethnic imbalance, one of its cabinet ministers has said.

Seven of the the Lib Dems' 57 MPs are women - numerically and proportionally the fewest of the three major Westminster parties. All of the party's MPs are white.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

World News

Liberal Democrats and lack of women MPs in Westminster, United Kingdom

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Liberal Democrats and lack of women MPs in Westminster, United Kingdom


Former Education Minister Sarah Teather's decision to stand at the next general election highlighted a long-running problem for the Liberal Democrats.

The party only has seven women MPs, and five of those are in the party's 12 most vulnerable seats.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 17 2013

Former Education Minister Sarah Teather's decision to stand at the next general election highlighted a long-running problem for the Liberal Democrats.

The party only has seven women MPs, and five of those are in the party's 12 most vulnerable seats.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 17 2013