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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

World News

The women of Greenham Common taught a generation how to protest, United Kingdom

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The women of Greenham Common taught a generation how to protest, United Kingdom


It is often said that the protest at Greenham Common was ineffectual. The eventual closure of the US base at Newbury is deemed to have been an almost inadvertent side effect of much more important (ie male) political forces. In this version of history the bunch of women sitting near a fence in middle England 30 years ago are rendered pretty much irrelevant.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 2 2013

It is often said that the protest at Greenham Common was ineffectual. The eventual closure of the US base at Newbury is deemed to have been an almost inadvertent side effect of much more important (ie male) political forces. In this version of history the bunch of women sitting near a fence in middle England 30 years ago are rendered pretty much irrelevant.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 2 2013

World News

A Political Star Rises in Britain, Helped by Twitter

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A Political Star Rises in Britain, Helped by Twitter


Stella Creasy is young, female and very blonde, which would describe any number of aides around Parliament. But there aren’t a whole lot of anecdotes about this British politician being mistaken for a secretary or an intern.

Stella Creasy is young, female and very blonde, which would describe any number of aides around Parliament. But there aren’t a whole lot of anecdotes about this British politician being mistaken for a secretary or an intern.

World News

Can Labour's women save Ed Miliband? UK

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Can Labour's women save Ed Miliband? UK


Harriet Harman and Yvette Cooper are strong Labour MPs but they both have baggage. In an open letter to Ed Miliband, Cathy Newman advises the beleaguered leader of the Opposition to look to the next generation of female MPs for some inspiration. 

We invite you to read the full article published August 20, 2013

Harriet Harman and Yvette Cooper are strong Labour MPs but they both have baggage. In an open letter to Ed Miliband, Cathy Newman advises the beleaguered leader of the Opposition to look to the next generation of female MPs for some inspiration. 

We invite you to read the full article published August 20, 2013

World News

Thatcher was no 'weird machine', says biographer, UK

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Thatcher was no 'weird machine', says biographer, UK


Those who described Lady Thatcher after her death as "not really a woman" or "inhuman" were "really wide of the mark", according to the late prime minister's biographer, Charles Moore.

The former editor of the Daily Telegraph, who was given access to Thatcher's papers and hitherto unseen early correspondence with her "much more formidable" sister, Muriel, said that far from being a "weird machine" Thatcher was a human, at times vulnerable, figure for whom her sex was central.

Those who described Lady Thatcher after her death as "not really a woman" or "inhuman" were "really wide of the mark", according to the late prime minister's biographer, Charles Moore.

The former editor of the Daily Telegraph, who was given access to Thatcher's papers and hitherto unseen early correspondence with her "much more formidable" sister, Muriel, said that far from being a "weird machine" Thatcher was a human, at times vulnerable, figure for whom her sex was central.

World News

Quotas for women in parliament could 'effect real change', UK

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Quotas for women in parliament could 'effect real change', UK


Quotas should be introduced to increase the numbers of women in parliament and public life to address the "dire" gender balance in Westminster, authors have told the Edinburgh international book festival.

Kamila Shamsie, the novelist, and Kate Mosse, the author and founder of the Women's Prize for Fiction, argued that quotas for women in parliament, though according to Mosse "a blunt tool", could "effect real change".

Quotas should be introduced to increase the numbers of women in parliament and public life to address the "dire" gender balance in Westminster, authors have told the Edinburgh international book festival.

Kamila Shamsie, the novelist, and Kate Mosse, the author and founder of the Women's Prize for Fiction, argued that quotas for women in parliament, though according to Mosse "a blunt tool", could "effect real change".

World News

David Cameron needs more women at the top of the coalition, says minister, UK

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David Cameron needs more women at the top of the coalition, says minister, UK


Lady Verma argues macho 'bang on tables' to be heard aspect of politics is unattractive, but warns PM against tokenism

Female politicians have to work hard to be "noticed and seen" in the "bang-on-tables" world of Westminster, one of David Cameron's ministers has said.

Lady Verma of Leicester, an energy minister, said the way women have to "raise our tempo" to be heard is an unattractive aspect of politics today.

Lady Verma argues macho 'bang on tables' to be heard aspect of politics is unattractive, but warns PM against tokenism

Female politicians have to work hard to be "noticed and seen" in the "bang-on-tables" world of Westminster, one of David Cameron's ministers has said.

Lady Verma of Leicester, an energy minister, said the way women have to "raise our tempo" to be heard is an unattractive aspect of politics today.

World News

Women Know Less About Politics Than Men, Especially In Britain, Study Finds

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Women Know Less About Politics Than Men, Especially In Britain, Study Finds


Women still know less about politics than men despite progress in sexual equality, especially in Britain, academics have said.

A study of 10 nations found an "unmistakable gender gap" even in apparently progressive richer nations.

The division was particularly stark in Britain, which was found to have the second-widest gulf in knowledge between the sexes.

Women still know less about politics than men despite progress in sexual equality, especially in Britain, academics have said.

A study of 10 nations found an "unmistakable gender gap" even in apparently progressive richer nations.

The division was particularly stark in Britain, which was found to have the second-widest gulf in knowledge between the sexes.

World News

100 years on from Emily Davison’s death, her battle is not yet won, UK

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100 years on from Emily Davison’s death, her battle is not yet won, UK


In April’s local elections, only one in three of those eligible to vote actually did so. What proportion of those voters were women? It’s difficult to get an exact percentage, but in most UK elections, women account for just under half of the turnout.

In April’s local elections, only one in three of those eligible to vote actually did so. What proportion of those voters were women? It’s difficult to get an exact percentage, but in most UK elections, women account for just under half of the turnout.

World News

Action urged on council election 'glass ceiling' for women after dismal Anglesey showing, Wales

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Action urged on council election 'glass ceiling' for women after dismal Anglesey showing, Wales


The Welsh Government has been urged to address the “glass ceiling” of women standing for council seats after local elections on Anglesey saw just three women councillors returned. A report by the Electoral Reform Society (ERS) in Wales obtained by WalesOnline, analysing the results of the poll, revealed how continuing barriers to women standing meant the island’s female representation remained the worst in Wales, with only three (Plaid Cymru) members elected out of 30.


The Welsh Government has been urged to address the “glass ceiling” of women standing for council seats after local elections on Anglesey saw just three women councillors returned. A report by the Electoral Reform Society (ERS) in Wales obtained by WalesOnline, analysing the results of the poll, revealed how continuing barriers to women standing meant the island’s female representation remained the worst in Wales, with only three (Plaid Cymru) members elected out of 30.
