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women's empowerment

World News

Kuwait’s First Female Candidate on Women’s Participation in Elections

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Kuwait’s First Female Candidate on Women’s Participation in Elections


Kuwait City, Asharq Al-Awsat—Kuwaitis went to the polls this week to elect their third parliament in 17 months. Despite having the oldest and most powerful parliament in the Arab Gulf, Kuwait has a turbulent political scene: no parliament has served its full term since 2003.

Kuwait City, Asharq Al-Awsat—Kuwaitis went to the polls this week to elect their third parliament in 17 months. Despite having the oldest and most powerful parliament in the Arab Gulf, Kuwait has a turbulent political scene: no parliament has served its full term since 2003.

World News

Safa first woman to win two consecutive times, Kuwait

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Safa first woman to win two consecutive times, Kuwait


Manama: Safa Al Hashem has made history in Kuwait by becoming the first woman lawmaker to win seats in two consecutive parliamentary elections.

Taking 2,036 votes on Saturday, Safa, who made her parliamentary debut in December, was ranked fifth on the 10-member list of the winners of the Third Constituency on Saturday. She was one of the eight women candidates who signed up to run despite concerns that the society was not ready to support women in parliament.

Manama: Safa Al Hashem has made history in Kuwait by becoming the first woman lawmaker to win seats in two consecutive parliamentary elections.

Taking 2,036 votes on Saturday, Safa, who made her parliamentary debut in December, was ranked fifth on the 10-member list of the winners of the Third Constituency on Saturday. She was one of the eight women candidates who signed up to run despite concerns that the society was not ready to support women in parliament.

World News

Malawi: Women Groups Receive Business Boost From Their MP

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Malawi: Women Groups Receive Business Boost From Their MP


Machinga — Member of Parliament for Machinga Likwenu, Mwalone Jangiya has provided K150,000 to five women groups from Kaudzu Village at Liwonde in the district to enable them venture into small businesses to improve their livelihoods.

Jangiya distributed the cash to the five groups comprising ten women all from Kaudzu village in the Liwonde Township where the cost of living is high.

We invite you to read the full article published July 27

Machinga — Member of Parliament for Machinga Likwenu, Mwalone Jangiya has provided K150,000 to five women groups from Kaudzu Village at Liwonde in the district to enable them venture into small businesses to improve their livelihoods.

Jangiya distributed the cash to the five groups comprising ten women all from Kaudzu village in the Liwonde Township where the cost of living is high.

We invite you to read the full article published July 27

World News

Australia's Julia Gillard reveals what she thought when she gave the 'misogyny speech'

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Australia's Julia Gillard reveals what she thought when she gave the 'misogyny speech'


As prime minister, Julia Gillard remained instinctively private, consistently contained and, for a figure so much in the public eye, oddly enigmatic.

As prime minister, Julia Gillard remained instinctively private, consistently contained and, for a figure so much in the public eye, oddly enigmatic.

World News

Heiresses apparent: Daughters take their turn for the political dynasty, USA

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Heiresses apparent: Daughters take their turn for the political dynasty, USA


American political dynasties historically have been built on power passed from fathers to sons, brothers to brothers, even husbands to wives: the Adamses, the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons.

Now, it is the daughters’ turn.

We invite you to read the full article published July 26 2013

American political dynasties historically have been built on power passed from fathers to sons, brothers to brothers, even husbands to wives: the Adamses, the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons.

Now, it is the daughters’ turn.

We invite you to read the full article published July 26 2013

World News

Zimbabwe’s Women Say They Still Lag Behind in Political Arena

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Zimbabwe’s Women Say They Still Lag Behind in Political Arena


HARARE — Zimbabweans go to the polls July 31 under a new constitution that some hoped would bring more women into politics. But, some women say the road to gender equity in Zimbabwean politics is a long one.  
Zimbabwe’s 2012 census shows that women comprise 52 percent of the population. But that demographic is not reflected in the political arena.

HARARE — Zimbabweans go to the polls July 31 under a new constitution that some hoped would bring more women into politics. But, some women say the road to gender equity in Zimbabwean politics is a long one.  
Zimbabwe’s 2012 census shows that women comprise 52 percent of the population. But that demographic is not reflected in the political arena.

World News

Female encouraged for PM, Fiji

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Female encouraged for PM, Fiji


WITH more countries around the world voting in female prime ministers, Fiji's women are also being encouraged to add a female face to the words "Prime Minister".

Such a change will obviously be accompanied by numerous challenges, explained Minister for Women Dr Jiko Luveni, who said women were important agents of change.

"They have the ability to make effective leaders that serve the people as parliamentarians and should run for the elections next year," Dr Luveni said.

WITH more countries around the world voting in female prime ministers, Fiji's women are also being encouraged to add a female face to the words "Prime Minister".

Such a change will obviously be accompanied by numerous challenges, explained Minister for Women Dr Jiko Luveni, who said women were important agents of change.

"They have the ability to make effective leaders that serve the people as parliamentarians and should run for the elections next year," Dr Luveni said.

World News

Why women win elections, Canada

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Why women win elections, Canada


North American experiments are showing that women have an electoral advantage. In one study in which only the names of a candidate were changed, participants rated the candidate they thought was female as stronger, more honest, and more compassionate than the male candidate. After Premier Christy Clark suddenly won the B.C. election on May 14th, I don’t remember any of the shocked pundits talking about the female factor. What happened to the polls that had apparently shown B.C. women were less inclined than men to vote for Clark?

North American experiments are showing that women have an electoral advantage. In one study in which only the names of a candidate were changed, participants rated the candidate they thought was female as stronger, more honest, and more compassionate than the male candidate. After Premier Christy Clark suddenly won the B.C. election on May 14th, I don’t remember any of the shocked pundits talking about the female factor. What happened to the polls that had apparently shown B.C. women were less inclined than men to vote for Clark?