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Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has launched a new program called Women Campaign Fellows in Monrovia.

The initiative, which took place on Friday, July 14, is intended to contribute to the inclusive, credible, and peaceful conduct of the electoral process through active young women’s civic engagement and enhancing political knowledge.

Click here to read the full article published by Liberian Observer on 20 July 2023.

On 6-9 July, the Alliance of Her held its first summer retreat, gathering passionate young women in politics from across Europe.

The retreat brought together 20 young female liberal leaders under 30, representing 20 liberal parties from 16 countries at the Domaine de Ronchinne in Belgium. Engaging sessions were led by experts including Estonian Member of Parliament Yoko Alender, from ALDE Party member Reformierakond, as well as several guest speakers.

The retreat provided the up-and-coming, ambitious young women the chance to share ideas, insights and common challenges with like-minded women in politics, and reflect on and develop their plans and aspirations in a supportive and enabling environment.

Click here to read the full article published by ALDE Party on 11 July 2023.

A group under the auspices of Progressive Ambassador for APC project, has calls on President Bola Tinubu to consider women and youths in his cabinet.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja on on Monday, Ikechukwu Norbet, the group’s national coordinator, Congratulated Tinubu for hitting the ground running upon his assumption in less than 40 days in office, with the assents of judicial officers law, Electricity Act, Student Loan ACT, Data Protection Law, among other economic reforms programmes.

Click here to read the full article published by The News Guru on 11 July 2023.

Last month’s historic election in Thailand saw the progressive Move Forward Party claim the most seats in parliament and looks set to usher in a new generation of young politicians – assuming the conservative establishment accepts the results.

A number of hurdles remain for Move Forward to form a government with its main coalition partner, the populist pro-democracy party Pheu Thai.

Click here to read the full article published by Aljazeeraon 21 June 2023.

The Special OSCE Asian Partners for Co-operation Group met today to discuss key aspects for ensuring women’s participation in political and public life. The meeting was convened by the Polish Chair of the Group.

The session particularly highlighted the critical human rights situation of women and girls in Afghanistan, which has worsened as a consequence of developments in the country. The marginalization of women from the public sphere and the denial of their rights to education, work, and freedom of movement results in grave long-term effects on the country’s development and prosperity. This poses significant risks to regional stability as the country’s capacity to cope with transnational threats deteriorates.

Click here to read the full article published by Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe on 26 May 2023.

With half of the world’s population under 30, the continued survival of democracy globally is overwhelmingly dependent on youth support.

Today, democracy faces a public confidence problem that disproportionally affects youth. After decades of not seeing democracy work for them and politics appearing out of their reach, many young people simply disengage from political and civic life. Democracies around the world increasingly recognize that in order to rejuvenate pluralistic democracy, young people need to be given the means to participate in all aspects of democratic politics.

In this context, the Youth Political and Civic Engagement Cohort – part of the Summit for Democracy’s Year of Action – was launched to take action toward implementing the Summit’s commitments vis-à-vis youth political and civic engagement. As a multi-stakeholder platform with over 50 member organizations from governments, IGOs, and civil society, the Youth Participation Cohort is committed to actively contributing to the Year of Action by broadening the evidence base on youth participation.

As part of the Youth Cohort’s leadership group, the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) and the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) have spearheaded the creation of the Cohort’s Youth Participation Handbook.

 Click here to see it.