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The new face of Kajiado politics: Women MCAs take centre stage

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The new face of Kajiado politics: Women MCAs take centre stage

Source: The Nation

What you need to know:

  • Women nominated as MCAs in Kajiado County are shattering the "flower girl" stereotype by sponsoring impactful legislation and advocating for marginalised groups.
  • Despite the male-dominated assembly, these women leaders, including Betty Taany championing disability rights and Joyce Sunte pushing for corporate social responsibility, are proving their worth through transformative initiatives.

In the sun-baked landscapes of Kajiado County, a quiet revolution is unfolding. Women nominated as Members of County Assembly (MCAs) are shattering stereotypes and proving that they are far more than mere "flower girls" in the political arena. These trailblazers are not content with simply occupying space; they are actively reshaping the political landscape, sponsoring transformative bills, and championing the causes of the marginalised with a fervour that belies their critics' dismissive labels.

In a county assembly dominated by men, where not a single woman has been elected from the 25 wards, these nominated representatives are proving that given the opportunity, women can be formidable agents of change.

Read here the full article published by The Nation on 10 October 2024.

Image credits: The Nation


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The Nation

What you need to know:

  • Women nominated as MCAs in Kajiado County are shattering the "flower girl" stereotype by sponsoring impactful legislation and advocating for marginalised groups.
  • Despite the male-dominated assembly, these women leaders, including Betty Taany championing disability rights and Joyce Sunte pushing for corporate social responsibility, are proving their worth through transformative initiatives.

In the sun-baked landscapes of Kajiado County, a quiet revolution is unfolding. Women nominated as Members of County Assembly (MCAs) are shattering stereotypes and proving that they are far more than mere "flower girls" in the political arena. These trailblazers are not content with simply occupying space; they are actively reshaping the political landscape, sponsoring transformative bills, and championing the causes of the marginalised with a fervour that belies their critics' dismissive labels.

In a county assembly dominated by men, where not a single woman has been elected from the 25 wards, these nominated representatives are proving that given the opportunity, women can be formidable agents of change.

Read here the full article published by The Nation on 10 October 2024.

Image credits: The Nation


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