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The feminine apologetic decoded

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

September 14, 2023

The feminine apologetic decoded

Source: The Times Of India

Being a logophile, or someone who loves words, my first encounter with the term “Feminine Apologetic” was a fascinating one; I was intrigued at the potential subtext and immediately embarked upon one of my favorite pastimes: research on this interesting idiom. The term feminine apologetic was defined by Professor Jan Felshin in 1973, in which she described as the ways the “the woman athlete must document the validity of her womanhood within the cultural connotations of femininity” in order to receive social acceptance as an athlete.

Click here to read the full article published by The Times Of India on 13 September 2023.

Kali Rawat

Being a logophile, or someone who loves words, my first encounter with the term “Feminine Apologetic” was a fascinating one; I was intrigued at the potential subtext and immediately embarked upon one of my favorite pastimes: research on this interesting idiom. The term feminine apologetic was defined by Professor Jan Felshin in 1973, in which she described as the ways the “the woman athlete must document the validity of her womanhood within the cultural connotations of femininity” in order to receive social acceptance as an athlete.

Click here to read the full article published by The Times Of India on 13 September 2023.

Kali Rawat