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Taiwan’s #MeToo movement has enmeshed politicians and celebrities – but a culture of silence endures

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

August 10, 2023

Taiwan’s #MeToo movement has enmeshed politicians and celebrities – but a culture of silence endures

Source: The Guardian

When Judy* saw the wave of #MeToo accusations filling her news feeds, her first thought was “finally”. She had long hoped that Taiwan would join the pushback against sexual harassment and abuse that first exploded overseas half a decade ago.

“Me and lots of my friends have faced sexual harassment, and even worse situations before,” Judy tells the Guardian in Taipei. “Finally, we started to have some focus on this topic.”

Click here to read the full article published by The Guardian on 9 August 2023.

Helen Davidson

When Judy* saw the wave of #MeToo accusations filling her news feeds, her first thought was “finally”. She had long hoped that Taiwan would join the pushback against sexual harassment and abuse that first exploded overseas half a decade ago.

“Me and lots of my friends have faced sexual harassment, and even worse situations before,” Judy tells the Guardian in Taipei. “Finally, we started to have some focus on this topic.”

Click here to read the full article published by The Guardian on 9 August 2023.

Helen Davidson