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Italy, UN Women join forces to advance women’s political engagement in Jordan

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Italy, UN Women join forces to advance women’s political engagement in Jordan

Source: The Jordan Times

The Italian government and UN Women signed a two-million-euro agreement to implement a project titled “Women’s Effective Engagement in Shaping the Future of Jordan’s Political Life”.

The move is a significant step towards promoting gender equality and enhancing women’s participation in shaping the future of Jordan’s political landscape, according to a UN Women statement. 

Click here to read the full article published by The Jordan Times on 4 September 2023.

UN Women
Focus areas

The Italian government and UN Women signed a two-million-euro agreement to implement a project titled “Women’s Effective Engagement in Shaping the Future of Jordan’s Political Life”.

The move is a significant step towards promoting gender equality and enhancing women’s participation in shaping the future of Jordan’s political landscape, according to a UN Women statement. 

Click here to read the full article published by The Jordan Times on 4 September 2023.

UN Women
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