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Women increasingly fanning political violence through social media - PAA

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Women increasingly fanning political violence through social media - PAA

Source: The Star Kenya

Online violence perpetrated by women at the Coast has increased and many are ignorant of the dangers, Pamoja African Alliance party has said.

The party's women leaders said violence on social media platforms is a trigger to political violence and could plunge the country in chaos.

Treasurer Sureya Hersi called for mature politics devoid of insults.

“Most political skirmishes are fanned by abusive language on social media. It is unfortunate that women are also engaging in these insults. This is shameful because women should be preachers of peace,” he said.

Hersi spoke on Thursday during PAA's women engagement forum in Changamwe constituency, Mombasa county.

"People are enriching themselves through social media but women are using the platform to cause skirmishes," she said. 

Social media has been used by politicians to advance their political agendas. The agendas are set and driven by hired bloggers who engage in political wars to please their masters.

Read here the full article published by The Star Kenya on 17 August 2024.

Image by The Star Kenya


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The Star Kenya

Online violence perpetrated by women at the Coast has increased and many are ignorant of the dangers, Pamoja African Alliance party has said.

The party's women leaders said violence on social media platforms is a trigger to political violence and could plunge the country in chaos.

Treasurer Sureya Hersi called for mature politics devoid of insults.

“Most political skirmishes are fanned by abusive language on social media. It is unfortunate that women are also engaging in these insults. This is shameful because women should be preachers of peace,” he said.

Hersi spoke on Thursday during PAA's women engagement forum in Changamwe constituency, Mombasa county.

"People are enriching themselves through social media but women are using the platform to cause skirmishes," she said. 

Social media has been used by politicians to advance their political agendas. The agendas are set and driven by hired bloggers who engage in political wars to please their masters.

Read here the full article published by The Star Kenya on 17 August 2024.

Image by The Star Kenya


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