Post-poll, France's new parliament sees slight drop in women MPs
Source: Deccan Herald
France has lagged in gender parity in politics, coming 33rd out of 185 spots on the Inter-Parliamentary Union's monthly ranking of women in national parliaments
France's new parliament will see a slight decrease in women MPs after the weekend's poll, a setback from the previous cycle when women filled nearly 40 percent of seats.
France has lagged in gender parity in politics, coming 33rd out of 185 spots on the Inter-Parliamentary Union's monthly ranking of women in national parliaments.
Click here to read the full article published by Deccan Herald on 20 June 2022.

France has lagged in gender parity in politics, coming 33rd out of 185 spots on the Inter-Parliamentary Union's monthly ranking of women in national parliaments
France's new parliament will see a slight decrease in women MPs after the weekend's poll, a setback from the previous cycle when women filled nearly 40 percent of seats.
France has lagged in gender parity in politics, coming 33rd out of 185 spots on the Inter-Parliamentary Union's monthly ranking of women in national parliaments.
Click here to read the full article published by Deccan Herald on 20 June 2022.