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Three former women presidents talk about the new world order

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

November 20, 2023

Three former women presidents talk about the new world order

Source: Politico

Góðan daginn from Iceland, where the threat of an imminent volcanic eruption did not deter 500 women leaders from flying to the country for the Reykjavik Global Forum, an annual gathering of women politicians, activists and business leaders.

Iceland is a fitting place to host the forum, which is sponsored by Iceland’s government and Parliament in partnership with Women Political Leaders, a global network of female politicians. After all, it is the world’s most gender-equal country — and has been for 14 years in a row.

Click here to read the full article published by Politico on 17 November 2023.

Image by Politico



Stephanie Fillion
Focus areas

Góðan daginn from Iceland, where the threat of an imminent volcanic eruption did not deter 500 women leaders from flying to the country for the Reykjavik Global Forum, an annual gathering of women politicians, activists and business leaders.

Iceland is a fitting place to host the forum, which is sponsored by Iceland’s government and Parliament in partnership with Women Political Leaders, a global network of female politicians. After all, it is the world’s most gender-equal country — and has been for 14 years in a row.

Click here to read the full article published by Politico on 17 November 2023.

Image by Politico



Stephanie Fillion
Focus areas