Average age of Flemish candidates for the federal elections has never been higher, fewer women with an “electable” place on the parties’ lists
Source: flandersnews.be
The average age of the candidates standing on Flemish parties’ lists for the federal elections on 9 June is 47. Never before in the past 37 years was the average age of the candidates seeking election to the Chamber of Representatives so high. Meanwhile, the percentage of women with “electable” places, a position on the party’s electoral lists with which they stand a realistic chance of being elected, has fallen for the first time. A study by Leuven University’s (KUL) Instituut voor de Overheid has found that just 45.2% of the Flemish party’s candidates with a place on an electoral list with which that stand a realistic chance of being elected are women.
In light of today's election in Belgium, read (or revisit) here the full article published by flandersnews.be on 26 April 2024
Image by flandersnews.be

The average age of the candidates standing on Flemish parties’ lists for the federal elections on 9 June is 47. Never before in the past 37 years was the average age of the candidates seeking election to the Chamber of Representatives so high. Meanwhile, the percentage of women with “electable” places, a position on the party’s electoral lists with which they stand a realistic chance of being elected, has fallen for the first time. A study by Leuven University’s (KUL) Instituut voor de Overheid has found that just 45.2% of the Flemish party’s candidates with a place on an electoral list with which that stand a realistic chance of being elected are women.
In light of today's election in Belgium, read (or revisit) here the full article published by flandersnews.be on 26 April 2024
Image by flandersnews.be