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Women's Leadership

With more than two hundred thousand followers on Facebook and about 54 thousand followers on Twitter, I am one of the most prominent Yemeni politicians on the ground and online. Yet not a day passes without me having to fight in the virtual world because I decided to have a voice. Activist Nora Al-Jarawi gives a personal account.

The world regularly hears news of the war in Yemen and the humanitarian catastrophe, yet only recently have reports begun to reveal the heinous crimes being committed against women. As a result of our continuous advocacy regarding this issue, we have managed to showcase such violations. In response, the UN Security Council confirmed in its 2021 resolution on Yemen that sexual violence against women is a sanctionable act, and even named one of the country’s political leaders as a perpetrator. We have taken up the cause and are documenting the violence against Yemeni women leaders and female politicians on digital platforms, ensuring that the international community is aware and responsive.

Click here to read the full article published by on 25 September 2022.

After national news coverage of a COVID-19 mask requirement controversy in Dodge City, Kansas in December of 2020, Mayor Joyce Warshaw received numerous threats such as “Burn in hell”; “Get murdered”; and “We’re coming for you.” Fifteen days later, Mayor Warshaw resigned saying that she and her family no longer felt safe.

Four important questions arise from the circumstances in which Mayor Warshaw and other mayors find themselves.

  1. How prevalent is violence against mayors from the public?
  2. Are there gender and race-based differences in violent experiences of mayors?
  3. Is the violence experienced by mayors causing them to rethink their service?
  4. What are the wider implications to representation of exposing public servants to abuse and violence? Will fewer people, especially women and women of color run, for and stay in office?

This research seeks answers to these questions.

Click here to access the report.

In South Sudan, Africa's youngest nation, women's political participation remains low when there are calls to have more women in positions of power globally. The Republic of South Sudan gained its independence on the 9th of July 2011 but slid into political violence within barely two years of its existence.

A peace agreement was signed in 2015, but violence broke out again in 2016, resulting in the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), which was ultimately signed in 2018.

Accordingly, 15 percent and 33 percent of women participated in the 2015 and 2018 peace negotiations. Unfortunately, there was only one (1) woman mediator, while 20 percent of the signatories were women by 2018.

Click here to read the full article published by International IDEA on 18 August 2022. 

The new strategy puts gender equality at the heart of UNDP’s efforts to expand people’s choices and to realize a just and sustainable world.

New York - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched an ambitious new plan to help countries to accelerate progress over the next four years on gender equality and the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025 stands to unlock progress for millions of women and girls across the 170 countries and territories in which UNDP works.  

The strategy builds on gender equality as one of the most powerful development solutions. It aims to move beyond piecemeal efforts and to instead help countries to shift power structures and the economic, social, and political systems that perpetuate discrimination.

Click here to read the full article published by UNDP on 14 September 2022.

Country on target towards 50% female representation in Federal National Council.

Abu Dhabi: The Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs (MFNCA) has organised a dialogue session to promote political participation among Emirati women.

Organised in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Federal National Council (FNC) and the General Women’s Union (GWU), the session was held at the FNC headquarters in Abu Dhabi, and highlighted the Emirati women’s parliamentary achievements over the past 50 years.

Tariq Hilal Lootah, undersecretary of the MFNCA, said that Emirati women are strategic partners in nation-building and are surging ahead in the march towards the UAE’s next 50 years towards development and prosperity.

Click here to read the full article published by Gulf News on 12 September 2022.

The women’s training programme, led by the national Electoral Management Body in cooperation with International IDEA, earned an Honorable Mention in the Gender Equality category in the first edition of the Global Network on Electoral Justice Awards for meeting the main criterion of contributing to a concrete and measurable increase in gender parity in public life. The distinction will be presented during the Fifth Plenary Assembly of the Global Network on Electoral Justice, to be held from October 9 to 11 in Bali, Indonesia.

The Political Training School for Women Leaders is but one outcome of the cooperation partnership between the Institute’s Paraguay Programme and the EMB, the Superior Tribunal for Electoral Justice (TSJE, by its acronym in Spanish), and an integral component of the project “Consolidation of Paraguayan Democracy II” funded by the European Union. The School also received collaboration from the UNDP, the Ministry of Women, the Gender and Equity Commission of the Senate, and the Paraguayan Network of Municipal Women, a nationwide municipal women’s organization.

Click here to read the full article published by International IDEA on 12 September 2022.