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Women's Leadership

This year, South Africa will celebrate 28 years of democracy, and as a younger generation, none of us can deny the validity of the statement, “I am my ancestors' wildest dreams” — a quote that gained noteriety after film director Ava Duvernay wore it on a t-shirt five years ago.

While the country still suffers many inequalities, the division of race does not define the nation as strongly as it did throughout the apartheid era, and there are so many incredible leaders to thank for that. There were many freedom fighters involved in creating the united republic we live in today, including former president Nelson Mandela, leader of the Black Consciousness movement Steve Biko, mother of the nation Winnie Madikizela Mandela, and former president of the African National Congress Oliver Tambo, to name a few.

Click here to read the full article published by Global Citizen

Armed men have arrested prominent Sudanese women’s rights campaigner Amira Osman in a night-time raid on her home in Sudan’s capital Khartoum, her sister said. Osman’s arrest comes amid, what activists say, a campaign of arrests of civil society and pro-democracy figures since a military takeover in October.

The United Nations mission in Sudan said on Twitter it was outraged by Osman’s arrest, citing a “pattern of violence against women’s rights activists” that risked reducing their participation in politics.

Click here to read the full article published by Al Jazeera on 23 January 2022.

By Eliza Anyangwe

The appointment of a woman into a position long-held by men is often believed to be a sign; a harbinger of good things to come for other women and in the fight for gender equality. But is it ever?

On Tuesday, Roberta Metsola became the new President of the European Parliament, the youngest person ever to hold the position and just the third woman since the Parliament was established in 1952.

Click here to read the full article published by CNN on 20 January 2022.

At the COP26 climate summit, the leaders of Estonia, Tanzania and Bangladesh were the first to sign the Glasgow Women’s Leadership statement, calling for countries to support the leadership of women and girls on climate action at all levels of society and politics. Yet these three women comprised nearly a third of all female leaders at the conference, out of 140 heads of delegation.

On Gender Day at the COP, countries including the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada pledged to further integrate gender into their climate finance arrangements. While the pledges reflect a growing awareness of “gender-responsive” finance, which promotes gender equality, the amount of money mobilised so far falls short of what is needed around the world. Attention to gender in climate finance negotiations remains negligible. Making the Glasgow Women’s Leadership statement a reality will require scaled-up funding for women’s capacity-building and community-level climate action.

Click here to read the full article published by Eco-Business on 19 January 2022.

The primary objective of this 2019 CEMR study on women in politics is to evaluate the progression of women’s representation in decision-making over a ten-year period and to present an overview of the current situation. The study aims to mobilise actors and decision- makers at all levels across Europe, in the institutions and organisations included in the study, but also in the associations of local and regional governments, political parties, civil society organisations, as well as anyone interested in just and democratic governance.

Click here to download the report 

This Handbook has been developed as publication by register of Political Parties with support from the Papua New Guinea Election Commission and the United Nations Development Programme in Papua New Guinea. This is part of UN Women Make the Change programme funded by the Australian Government’s Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Programme.

Click here to download the report.